Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-24-09 WT Study (UNITED PRAISE)

by blondie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-24-09 WT Study (March 15, 2009, pages 20-24)(UNITED PRAISE)Review comments will be in red
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    Also posted on

    "Praise Jah, you people!"--PS. 111:1


    Note how many times the WTS refers to scholars, bible reference works, secular sources and does not mention the author, source, title, date, etc.

    Why not?

    Also notice the occasions the WTS inserts bracketed words into scriptures to support their interpretation.


    Q 1. 2. What does "Hallelujah" mean, and how is it used in the Christian Greek Scriptures?

    "HALLELUJAH" That exclamation is commonly heard in Christendom's churches. Some people punctuate daily conversations with the expression. Few, however, know its sacred meaning, and the lifestyle of many who use it dishonors God. (Titus 1: 16) "Hallelujah," explains one Bible dictionary, is a "word used by the writers of various psalms to invite all to join them in praising Jehovah." In fact, a number of Bible scholars point out that "Hallelujah" means "'Praise ye Jah,' [that is] Jehovah."

    So how does the WTS know that few people know what Hallelujah means--did they or someone else do a survey? How many of today's jws know what that means?

    So if the woman who had washed Jesus' feet with her hair had used "hallelujah" would she have been dishonoring God?

    one Bible dictionary--which one, who put it together, what is their lifestyle like?

    Bible scholars--who and where, what is their lifestyle like?

    2. Understandably, in the New World Translation, the expression found at Psalm 111:1 is rendered "Praise Jah, you people!" A Greek form of this expression appears four times at Revelation 19:1-6 in celebration of the end of false religion. When that takes place, true worshippers will have special reason to use the expression "Hallelujah" in a respectful way. Greek form--and what is that? (I know...but does the average jw?)

    false religion--every religion except the WTS/FDS/GB/jws---Did you know that until around 1950 the WTS taught that all religion was false and that they were not a religion?


    *** w51 3/15 p. 191 Questions From Readers ***
    In the past we regarded “religion” as anything that was against God’s will. Now many brothers are using the expressions “true religion” and “false religion” to make a distinction. Is this advisable?—D. D., California.

    The brothers are correct in using the qualifying adjectives “true” and “false” respecting religion, so as not to be misunderstood, especially by those outside the organization. In the past we have had to do so much needless explanation and extricating of ourselves from embarrassing positions by not being specific on this. The footnotes of the New World Translation show the early use by Latin-speaking Christians of the term religio as the equivalent of the Greek term thres-ke-a. It simply means “form of worship”, of which there can be a true and a false kind. Study over the footnotes in the New World Translation on the texts at Acts 26:5, Colossians 2:18 and James 1:26, 27, and see how the footnote renderings allow for the use of the term “religion” or “religious”, though the texts themselves use the expressions “form of worship” or “formal worshiper”. Hence it is well to make clear our use of the term “religion” by qualifying it as “true” or “false”, if the context or setting does not do this sufficiently.

    true worshippers--only jws

    His Great Works

    Q 3. What is the main purpose of our congregating regularly?

    3. The composer of Psalm 111 gives many reasons why Jehovah is so deserving of our united praise. Verse 1 says: "I shall laud Jehovah with all
    my heart in the intimate group of upright ones and the assembly." Jehovah's Witnesses today feel the same way. The main purpose of our
    congregating regularly, both in local congregations and at large conventions, is to praise Jehovah.

    upright ones--only jws

    praise Jah?--Where's Jesus, oh that's right this is an OT scripture set.


    *** w06 11/1 p. 29 par. 7 Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings ***Quoting Psalm 22, the apostle Paul wrote of Jesus: “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you with song.” (Hebrews 2:12)

    Q 4. How can humans search for Jehovah's works?

    4 "The works of Jehovah are great, searched for on the part of all those delighting in them. " (Ps. 111:2) Notice the expression "searched for."
    According to one reference work, the verse can apply to humans who make God's works "the objects of earnest and devout meditation and study." Jehovah's creations abound with wonderful purpose. He set sun, earth, and moon in place, all in proper relation one to another, so that our earth is provided with warmth and light, night and day, the seasons and the tides.

    one reference work--who and what and where?

    Nothing found using Google

    Q 5. What have advances in man's understanding of the universe revealed?

    5 Scientists have discovered a great deal about earth's position in our solar system as well as the perfect orbit, size, and mass of our large moon. The arrangement and interrelationship of these heavenly bodies makes possible the beautiful and regular change of seasons. Also, much has been learned about the fine-tuning of natural forces in the universe. Thus, in an article entitled "The Designed 'Just So' Universe," a professor of mechanical engineering observed: “lt is quite easy to understand why so many scientists have changed their minds in the past 30 years, agreeing that it takes a great deal of faith to believe the universe can be explained as nothing more than a fortuitous cosmic accident. Evidence for an intelligent designer becomes more compelling the more we understand about our carefully crafted habitat."

    scientists discover--why does the WTS trust the statements of these people whose lifestyle does not honor God.

    professor of mechanical engineering--who, what, where?

    Dr. Walter L. Bradley (do you think this man believes in the trinity?)


    While success has continued to be important to me, it has assumed a more appropriate place in the grander scheme of things. I got my Ph.D. at 24, was a tenured Associate Professor at age 27, and a tenured Full Professor at age 34. My life has been full and rich in every way, but could have turned out quite differently if I had continued my narrowly focused pursuit of professional success to the exclusion of my relationship with God, family, friends, and my students over the years.

    Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). Pascal, the great French physicist said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every created man that cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God the Creator made known through Jesus
    Christ." I am a poster child for these truths. When I finally allowed God to fill that vacuum in my life that only He could fill, I was set free from my
    fruitless pursuit of success to fill this need. I urge you to consider God's invitation to a personal relationship as the ultimate and only way to find
    true meaning, purpose, and happiness in this life, and in the life to come.

    Q 6. How do you feel about the way that God made man?

    6. Another great expression of creation is the way that God made us. (Ps. 139:14) When making humans, he gave them a mind, a body with a full set of necessary organs, and the ability and capacity to do work. There is, for example, the miracle involved in the God-given abilities of speaking and listening, as well as those of writing and reading. Many people have those abilities. You also have a wondrous masterpiece of construction--the upright human frame. Why, the design and balance of your body, its mechanical functions and its chemistry, inspire awe. Beyond that, the amazing nerve connections that enable your mind and your senses to function find no parallel in what scientists have achieved. In fact, human achievements are possible only because of the mind and senses with which mankind is endowed. Even the most trained and capable engineer could not have manufactured anything as beautiful and useful as the ten marvelously designed levers--your fingers and thumbs. Ask yourself, 'Could impressive works of art and construction have been made without the skillful use of God-given fingers?'

    made man or made humans?

    How many jws have the science background (even basic) to understand the statements made as fact here by the WTS?

    God's Great Works and His Qualities

    Q 7. Why should we view the Bible as one of God's great works?

    7. Jehovah's great works include other wonderful things he has done for mankind, as described in the Bible. That book itself is a harmonious masterpiece. Unlike any other book, it is indeed "inspired of God and beneficial for teaching." (2 Tim. 3:16) For instance, the first book of the
    Bible, Genesis, explains how God cleansed the earth of wickedness in the days of Noah. The second book, Exodus, shows how Jehovah vindicated his Godship by delivering Israel from Egyptian slavery. The psalmist likely had such events in mind when he was moved to say: "Jehovah's activity is dignity and splendor themselves, and his righteousness is standing forever. A memorial he has made for his wonderful works. Jehovah is gracious and merciful." (Ps. 111:3, 4) Do you not agree that Jehovah's activity throughout history, including things done during your lifetime, is a memorial to his "dignity and splendor"?

    Proof given here that the Bible is harmonious, even a reference to some other source?

    LIKELY--so the WTS can read minds retroactively

    Do you not agree--if a jw expressed any disagreement at this point, they would be hauled in for questioning by the elders.

    Q 8, 9. (a) In what ways do God's works contrast with many human works? (b) What are some of God's qualities that you appreciate?

    8. Notice that the psalmist also stresses Jehovah's beautiful qualities, such as righteousness, graciousness, and mercy. You know that the works of sinful mankind are seldom based on righteousness. Often they are an expression of greed, envy, and haughtiness. That is evident from the fiendish weapons men produce for the wars they foment and for economic gain. These bring untold misery and horror to miilions of innocent victims. Also, many human works have been accomplished at the expense of the oppressed poor. An example that many might cite is the use of slaves to build the pyramids. Those mainly served as burial places for the proud Pharaohs. Moreover, many of mankind's present-day works not only are oppressive but are "ruining the earth." --Read Revelation 11:18.

    So rarely does anything humans do help people for good reasons?

    Human works of the WTS accomplished at the expense of jws convinced that giving up their material goods will make sure they live forever?

    So is the WTS practicing green practices, recycling, etc, even if it is more expensive for the sake of the earth? No.

    9. How different it is with Jehovah's works, which are always based on what is right! His works include the merciful provision for the salvation of
    sinful mankind. In providing the ransom, God was 'exhibiting his own righteousness.' (Rom. 3:25, 26) Indeed, "his righteousness is standing
    forever"! As for graciousness, that has been manifested in the patient manner in which God has dealt with sinful humans. At times, he even used
    the expression "please" when pleading with them to turn back from their hurtful ways and do what was right--Read Ezekiel 18:25.

    So is the covering up of pedophile cases in the WTS based on what is right?

    Was the WTS association with the UN as a non-governmental organization from 1991 to 2001 based on what is right?

    Why shouldn't God say please...if he loves humans that is?

    Faithful to His Promises

    Q10. What example of faithfulness did Jehovah set regarding his covenant with Abraham?

    10 "Food he has given to those fearing him. To time indefinite he will remember his covenant." (Ps. 111:5) It seems that the psalmist here
    referred to the Abrahamic covenant. Jehovah promised to bless Abraham's seed and said that they would take possession of the gate of their enemies. (Gen. 22:17, 18; Ps. 105: 8, 9) In the initial outworking of those promises, Abraham's seed became the nation of Israel. That nation was
    long enslaved in Egypt, but then "God remembered his covenant with Abraham" and delivered them. (Ex. 2:24) Jehovah's subsequent dealings
    with them show just how generous he is. He provided food for their bodies and spiritual food for their minds and hearts. (Deut. 6:1-3; 8:4; Neh. 9:21) In the centuries that followed, the nation often turned away from God, though he sent prophets to urge them to return. More than 1,500 years after he delivered the Israelites from Egypt, God sent his only begotten Son to earth. The majority of the Jews rejected Jesus and allowed him to be executed. Then Jehovah formed a new nation, a spiritual one, "the Israel of God." Along with Christ, that nation makes up the spiritual seed of Abraham, which Jehovah foretold he would use to bless mankind.--Gal. 3:16, 29; 6:16.

    IT SEEMS...again mind reading the psalmist

    So do jws today told to help local jws with food, etc., or to go to the secular authorities?

    formed a new nation--where does this say there would only be 144,000?

    Q 11. How does Jehovah continue to "remember his covenant" with Abraham?

    11. Jehovah continues to "remember his covenant" and the blessings promised through it. Today, he is providing an abundant supply of spiritual
    food in over 400 languages. Also, he continues to respond to prayers about our physical needs, in line with the words: "Give us our bread for the day according to the day's requirement." --Luke 11:3; Ps. 72:16, 17; Isa. 25:6-8.

    spiritual food--only WT publications

    ?! how are jw's prayers answered as to literal food, are jws organized to help local jws except in disaster situations, and only jws not non-jws unless there is PR opportunity?

    Jehovah's Awesome Power

    Q 12. In what way was ancient Israel given "the inheritance of the nations"?

    12. “The power of his works he has told to his people in giving them the inheritance of the nations." (Ps. 111:6) One outstanding event in Israel's
    history that the psalmist may have had in mind was their miraculous deliverance from Egypt. When Jehovah finally allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, they were able to conquer kingdoms on the east and west sides of the Jordan River. (Read Nehemiah 9:22-25.) Yes, Jehovah gave Israel "the inheritance of the nations." What a display of God's power!

    MAY HAVE--mind reading for the psalmist again?

    What did conquering entail...the killing of children

    Q 13, 14. (a) What display of God's power in connection with Babylon might the psalmist have had in mind? (b) What further great acts of
    deliverance has Jehovah accomplished?

    13. We are well aware, though, that despite all Jehovah did in their behalf, Israel did not show respect for him nor for their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They kept rebelling until God used Babylon to remove them, taking them into exile. (2 Chron. 36:15-17; Neh. 9:28-30) If, as some Bible scholars suggest, the composer of Psalm 111 lived after Israel returned from exile in Babylon, he had further reason to praise Jehovah for His loyalty and power. God showed such by delivering the Jews from Babylon--an empire that had a policy of not releasing captives.--Isa. 14:4,17.

    Do jws show respect to God by concealing the works of pedophiles in their midst and by associating as a non-governmental organization with the
    UN for 10 years?

    some Bible scholars--who, what, where?

    14. Some five centuries later, Jehovah used his power in an even greater way by delivering repentant humans from slavery to sin and death. (Rom. 5:12) One result was that the way was opened for 144,000 humans to become spirit-anointed followers of Christ. In 1919, Jehovah used his power to deliver a small remnant of these anointed ones from captivity to false religion. Their accomplishments during this time of the end can only be attributed to God's power. Upon proving faithful to death, they will share with Jesus Christ in ruling from heaven over the earth for the benefit of repentant humans. (Rev. 2: 26, 27; 5:9, 10) They will inherit the earth in a far grander way than did ancient Israel. --Matt. 5:5.

    What is the WTS definition of "repentant" humans--only baptized jws

    Since 1879 the WTS teaches these 144,000 are only jws

    In 1919 was the WTS much different thant other religions, using the cross in worship, celebrating birthdays and Christmas, using pyramids to calculate bible chronology, and teaching that the presence of Jesus began in 1874 not 1914.

    So who inherits the earth the anointed or the other sheep per Matthew 5:5?

    Everlasting, Trustworthy Principles

    Q 15, 16. (a) What are included among the works of God's hands? (b) What orders did God give to ancient Israel?

    15 "The works of his hands are truth and judgment; trustworthy are all the orders he gives, well supported forever, to time indefinite, done in truth and uprightness." (Ps. 111:7,
    laws for Israel. (Ex. 31:18) These laws, together with all the other regulations that became part of the Mosaic Law covenant, are based on eternal, trustworthy principles.

    [Jehovah's]--why did the WTS add this?

    these laws--OT laws based on eternal, trustworthy principles.

    Then why did the Jews practice polygamy although the eternal principle was one man and one woman as Adam and Eve; why did the WTS not
    outlaw polygamy until 1947 despite this so-called eternal principle?

    16 For example, one of the orders, or laws, on those tablets said: "I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion." It further states that Jehovah exercises "loving kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love [him] and keep [his] commandments." The
    tablets of stone also contained such timeless principles as "honor your father and your mother" and "you must not steal," as well as the profoundly insightful law against coveting what belongs to others.--Ex. 20:5, 6, 12, 15, 17.

    [him] [his]--why not 'insert' Jehovah here too?

    timeless principles---thousandth generation? not if..............why this, does God bring punishment for the errors of fathers upon sons? Is that an
    eternal principle?


    (Exodus 20:5-6) 5 You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive
    devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation, in the case of those who hate me; 6 but exercising loving-kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love me and keep my commandments.

    Our Holy, Fear-Inspiring Redeemer

    Q 17. What reasons did the Israelites have for treating God's name as holy?

    17. "He has sent redemption itself to his people. To time indefinite he has commanded his covenant. His name is holy and fear-inspiring. " (Ps. 111:9) Again, the psalmist may have had in mind Jehovah's loyalty to his covenant promise to Abraham. In line with that, Jehovah did not abandon
    his people first as slaves in ancient Egypt and later as captives in Babylon. In both cases, God redeemed his people. Even if only for those two
    accomplishments, Israel should have treated God's name as holy.--Read Exodus 20:7; Romans 2: 23,24.

    MAY HAVE--again mindreading the psalmist

    Has the WTS treated God's name as holy by hiding pedophiles in their midst?

    Q 18. Why do you feel that bearing God's name is a privilege?

    18 The same is true of Christians today, who have been redeemed from hopeless slavery to sin and death. We should do our very best to live in
    harmony with the first request in the model prayer: "Let your name be sanctified.” (Matt. 6:9) Meditating on that illustrious name should instill in us godly fear. The writer of Psalm 111 had the correct view of godly fear, stating: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. All those doing
    then [keeping his commandments] have a good insight.”--Ps.111:10.

    [keeping his commandments]--adding to the bible again

    Christians today--only jws--WE

    Although Jesus said to sanctify God's name, he did not use in the model prayer, why not?

    Q 19. What will we consider in the next article?

    19 A wholesome fear of God will help us to hate what is bad. It will also help us to imitate God's beautiful qualities as show in Psalm 112, which
    we will consider if the next article. That psalm shows how we can qualify to be among the millions who will enjoy praising God forever. He deserves nothing less. "His praise is standing forever. --Ps. 111:10.

    Really a fear of the WTS

    what is bad--whatever the WTS says is bad

    millions--note not billions

    Questions for Meditation

    • Why does Jehovah deserve our united praise?
    • What qualities of Jehovah are revealed in his works?
    • How do you view the privilege of bearing God's name?


    Note this whole article was purported to be based on OT scriptures. This practice leaves Jesus out of the picture.

    Next week, "Righteous Ones will Praise God Forever."

    Love, Blondie

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    9. How different it is with Jehovah's works, which are always based on what is right! His works include the merciful provision for the salvation of
    sinful mankind.
    In providing the ransom, God was 'exhibiting his own righteousness.' (Rom. 3:25, 26)

    Liars! Not only does Jesus not even get a mention in this paragraph but what the Watchtower really teaches is that Jesus will SLAUGHTER the world of sinful mankind for eternity at Armageddon, except Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh how merciful indeed. The Watchtower really preaches a version of God who is a bloodthirsty, merciless avenger who will shortly massacre billions of persons forever. This quasi-Christian cult keeps 7 million people in unquestioned subservience to its leadership through morbid fear of eternal death at Armageddon!

    13. We are well aware, though, that despite all Jehovah did in their behalf, Israel did not show respect for him nor for their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They kept rebelling until God used Babylon to remove them, taking them into exile. (2 Chron. 36:15-17; Neh. 9:28-30) If, as some Bible scholars suggest, the composer of Psalm 111 lived after Israel returned from exile in Babylon, he had further reason to praise Jehovah for His loyalty and power. God showed such by delivering the Jews from Babylon--an empire that had a policy of not releasing captives.--Isa. 14:4,17.

    It's ok for the Watchtower Society to research and quote worldly Bible scholars but not the rank and file who must only research using Watchtower publications.

  • Marjorie

    Thank you Blondie.

    Q 3. What is the main purpose of our congregating regularly?3. The composer of Psalm 111 gives many reasons why Jehovah is so deserving of our united praise. Verse 1 says: "I shall laud Jehovah with all
    my heart in the intimate group of upright ones and the assembly." Jehovah's Witnesses today feel the same way. The main purpose of our
    congregating regularly, both in local congregations and at large conventions, is to praise Jehovah.

    upright ones--only active jws

    praise Jah?--Where's Jesus, oh that's right this is an OT scripture set.

    85% of the time it is an OT scripture set. The WTS is clearly 'Jesus-optional'.


    Thanks for this Blondie – This commentary is an essential part of my spiritual diet each week!

    14. Some five centuries later, Jehovah used his power in an even greater way by delivering repentant humans from slavery to sin and death. (Rom. 5:12) One result was that the way was opened for 144,000 humans to become spirit-anointed followers of Christ. In 1919, Jehovah used his power to deliver a small remnant of these anointed ones from captivity to false religion. Their accomplishments during this time of the end can only be attributed to God's power. Upon proving faithful to death, they will share with Jesus Christ in ruling from heaven over the earth for the benefit of repentant humans. (Rev. 2: 26, 27; 5:9, 10) They will inherit the earth in a far grander way than did ancient Israel. --Matt. 5:5.

    Why are they not honest about what happened in 1919 and that Rutherford was the real reason they were in prison?

  • BluesBrother

    Par 8 says:

    ."Also, many human works have been accomplished at the expense of the oppressed poor. An example that many might cite is the use of slaves to build the pyramids. Those mainly served as burial places for the proud Pharaohs"

    But I have seen enough T V documentarie's to know that this not what is believed to have happened.

    "Our thinking on pyramids has evolved considerably over the years. Many of us who are a bit older were taught that the pyramids were built using Jewish slave labor, which is a fabrication of immense proportions. Most of the pyramids were built long before the Jews made their appearance historically and currently, many if not most scholars believe they were not built using slave labor at all (or perhaps a nominal number of slaves). "

    This may not be fundamental to their argument about praising God - but rankles when they do a poor job of presenting illustrations - Get it right , Watchtower!

  • passwordprotected

    " A Greek form of this expression appears four times at Revelation 19:1-6 "

    Are the WTS prepared to admit that these instances are the only times anything close to YHVH is found in the Greek manuscripts?

    Par 3"The main purpose of our congregating regularly, both in local congregations and at large conventions, is to praise Jehovah. "

    Actually, according to the WTS legal charter the purpose of the meetings it the public worship of Jesus and Jehovah.

    Par 4 "Jehovah's creations abound with wonderful purpose."

    Doesn't the Bible teach that Jesus created everything?

    Par 8 "An example that many might cite is the use of slaves to build the pyramids."

    The pyramids. Topical...

    Par 9 "His works include the merciful provision for the salvation of sinful mankind. In providing the ransom, God was 'exhibiting his own righteousness.' "

    Amazingly, the WTS manage to sidestep using the name Jesus in this paragraph, even when they're talking about salvation.

    Par 10 "The majority of the Jews rejected Jesus and allowed him to be executed."

    That's correct and that's why John 1:12 says that to everyone who believed in his name was given the authority to be children of God. Why don't the WTS focus on this loving provision? Oh, that's right. If everyone who believes in the name of Jesus can be a son of God, where does that put the literal 144,000?

    Par 11 "Today, he is providing an abundant supply of spiritual food in over 400 languages"

    Wait. Jehovah God the Almighty can only provide food in 400 languages? Why is he limiting himself in this way? And do you notice the subtle way the WTS are calling themselves Jehovah?

    Par 14 "One result was that the way was opened for 144,000 humans to become spirit-anointed followers of Christ."

    Can't the spirit anoint all Christians? Why just 144,000?

    Par 17 "He has sent redemption itself to his people. To time indefinite he has commanded his covenant. His name is holy and fear-inspiring. "

    And how was this redemption sent? Through Jesus. So why don't the WTS mention his name?

    Q 18. Why do you feel that bearing God's name is a privilege?

    I'd like to ask whether Jesus or the 12, Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Lydia or any other 1st C Christian felt it was a privilege to bear God's name. Did they call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses, or did they call themselves Christians?

  • moomanchu

    Par 11 "Today, he is providing an abundant supply of spiritual food in over 400 languages"

    Wait. Jehovah God the Almighty can only provide food in 400 languages? Why is he limiting himself in this way? And do you notice the subtle way the WTS are calling themselves Jehovah?

    So it is Jehovah who is responsible for all the lite adjustments !!!!!!!!

    "he" should be capitalized, no ?

    8. Notice that the psalmist also stresses Jehovah's beautiful qualities, such as righteousness, graciousness, and mercy. You know that the works of sinful mankind are seldom based on righteousness. Often they are an expression of greed, envy, and haughtiness. That is evident from the fiendish weapons men produce for the wars they foment and for economic gain. These bring untold misery and horror to miilions of innocent victims.

    So do these.

    Heat Waves
    Ice storms
    Volcanic eruptions

  • gubberningbody

    FYI - Q4's reference is from :

    The Book of psalms; a new tr., with notes by J.J.S. Perowne, page 317 (printed in 1882)

    Do an advanced google search on the exact phrase "objects of earnest and devout meditation",M1

  • blondie

    This occurred to me later that the Jews impressed non-Jews to building Solomon's temple.

    (1 Kings9:20-21) As for all the people remaining over from the Am´or·ites, the Hit´tites, the Per´iz·zites, the Hi´vites and the Jeb´u·sites, who were no part of the sons of Israel, 21 their sons who had been left over after them in the land whom the sons of Israel had been unable to devote to destruction, Sol´o·mon kept levying them for slavish forced labor until this day.

    1 Kings5:13-14) . . .And King Sol´o·mon kept bringing up those conscripted for forced labor out of all Israel; and those conscripted for forced labor amounted to thirty thousand men. 14 And he would send them to Leb´a·non in shifts of ten thousand a month. For a month they would continue in Leb´a·non, for two months at their homes; and Ad·o·ni´ram was over those conscripted for forced labor.


    The Hebrew word for "compulsory service" is se´vel, which has to do with a literal or a figurative load, an enforced burden, or burdensome labor. It can apply to corvée, that is, unpaid or partially unpaid work that an authority imposes on certain people, such as residents of a particular area.




    Solomon continued levying the descendants of these Canaanites, that is, of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, for slavish forced labor.—1Ki 9:20, 21.

  • WTWizard

    Notice what flimsy proof they have. "May have", "likely"--where's the evidence? And, where is the reference to other works in case anyone wants to learn more? They deliberately make it impossible to cross-reference when they say "One source says" or "One work reports" or things like that. Since they require people to believe it without question and stake their lives on it, I expect a lot more than I would out of someone reporting their fallacies (which can be cross-referenced, and are not life and death issues).

    The Bible harmonious? More aptly, a collection originally put together by the Catholic church (which the Washtowel Slaveholdery loves to bash). They put together the Bible, editing anything that didn't fit their own doctrines (and that can be cross-referenced to one's heart's content by anyone that cares to find out what was actually left out of the Bible). Not to mention errors that were directly put in the Bible--who can remember exactly what Jesus said 40 or more years later?

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