On Being a Pagan...

by ziddina 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    I love the drum parties! LOL

  • talesin

    She changes everything she touches; everything she touches changes.

    ...is the way I learned it. :))

    I don't believe anything magical happens, but they are soooo affirming, especially for women. Empowering, and my theory is they simply get my brain working on a really healthy track.

    Yes, we are the same in that!

    Majick is everyday, I think,,, and it's a word I use to describe something wonderful ..... like watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon, and sit, slowly waving its wings while they dry in the sunshine. Majickal!


  • talesin

    Drum circles!!!!! Yes! I've participated in a couple, and ahhh, just completely lost myself until my left arm went dead, at which point I realized I had been drumming for almost an hour.

    Ah, good times.


  • NewChapter

    Another memory emerging. She and I knew a lot about herbs----it goes with the territory (natural birth), but one day I dropped by her house and started looking around her kitchen. She had finished her apprenticeship and was a practicing midwife (finally---what a journey). Anyway, there were herbs hanging EVERYWHERE, and lots of little jars and it looked so funny to me. It seemed overboard, and I teased her that it looked like a witch's house. She looked at me funny, but didn't say anything.

    So some time after that, she told me that she did consider herself a witch, but wasn't ready to tell me yet (I was studying), but I had nailed it quickly.

  • NewChapter

    Yes TS, you have it the way I learned it too. I am just too tired to be posting, and my words are getting mixed up, but all these memories are coming back, and this seems like the fun place to post it all.


  • NewChapter

    Zid will be so happy with this thread. She just sent me a book on goddesses.

  • NewChapter

    Drum circles!!!!! Yes! I've participated in a couple, and ahhh, just completely lost myself until my left arm went dead, at which point I realized I had been drumming for almost an hour.

    Huge stress reliever. I feel absolutely rubbery afterwards.


  • talesin

    We always chant that at the "Take Back the Night" marches ..... and ah, Zid!

    Stress reliever, , oh yes, and the way everyone gets in a groove together, it's the most organic musical experience I've ever had.


  • talesin

    JUst listened to that vid,,,, I love it! Changes ......


  • NewChapter

    She's living in a city where the mayor is trying to get the town motto to be "The Most Christian City in the Nation". It's really irritating her, lol, and they suggested Coexist instead.


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