Is there a GROWING AWARENESS among Jehovah's Witnesses that SOMETHING is REALLY WRONG with the Organization?

by BonaFide 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    There are still many that are clueless but they are clueless across the board. We have a friend that was going somewhere a few weekends ago and said "Now I can't go because of some special talk, what's that all about, is this new?" He's just a typical "born in", really knows nothing about doctrine. If we were to bring up 1995, 1975 or 607, he wouldn't know a thing about it and he's never ever going to leave. Most of the people I have seen leave have really been kicked out, these folks are much easier to be cast aside. However, when you leave on principle and your life is not falling apart, no gross wrongdoing, I think that may get some people to think. I hope.

  • truthseeker

    LeavingWT is more likely to be correct, however, folks we're almost in 2010 - surely the average Joe-publisher must wonder when the end is coming?

  • truthseeker


    Why is the theme for this year's District Convention "Keep on the Watch"?

    Witnesses are getting impatient and are making sacrifices for things they do not feel they will see.

  • Heaven

    I believe there is a growing awareness, however, I also believe most JWs feel trapped, are definitely brainwashed, and are in denial to some degree.

    I believe my father knows there are enormous problems but what does one do when one has never planned a day in their life? When they rely on someone or something else to do this for them? They stay because they know nothing else or they fear the unknown.

    I believe many are imprisoned. I believe many of them thought this was IT but have found out differently. To leave means they are admitting they made a huge error. And then they wonder 'What IS the truth?' and 'Where do I go from here?' All of this takes enormous strength which I think a lot just don't have thanks to the drilling they've received from the WTS.

    This is where help for them needs to be made available. And they need to be aware of the availability of the help. This is one of the reasons I am here. So if and when my father leaves (or is booted out) I can be there to catch him and help him start piecing back together himself and his life. I only hope the damage isn't irreversible.

  • boyzone

    I also think there is a growing awareness but its early days yet. People are much more knowledgable and cynical than they were in the past. The internet has had a huge impact on what people know and what you can find out about. Mary posted an excellent critique of the Society thru the ages and I think it shows the growing awareness coupled with the lack of anything meaningful to say is having an effect.

    I am hopeful that one day the Society will implode on itself as the unsettling feeling grows and people will begin to walk away in droves.

  • Black Sheep
  • mraimondi

    errm, I think some people had an idea when i was df'ed, although my memory may have beeen mostly forgotten by now, except for the elders who have me in their files.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Is there a GROWING AWARENESS among Jehovah's Witnesses that SOMETHING is REALLY WRONG with the Organization?

    Not in my family.

    Not that they would ever own up. It would hurt their pride too much.

    They may feel that they have to make more excuses than they had to in the past, but that is not the WT's fault, that is my fault.



  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What Mickey Mouse said. About 5% are barely hanging on, mentally gone and simply physically going through the motions but shortly to leave. Maybe about 20-30% have an uncomfortable feeling something isn't right, are increasingly tired and disenchanted and are wondering why the hell this darn old system of things is taking so long to go and Armageddon ain't here yet. The rest are hopelessly deluded and chronically gullible wishful thinkers with powers of critical thinking equivalent to a chimpanzee.

  • Pistoff

    Most of the ones I know, including my family that used to be close to me, are so deep into the mindset that if there is any sense of something wrong, it is not them or their beliefs; they only have a vague sense of something wrong. It is what I experienced, but I always felt it was ME, that I was doing something wrong.

    Now I know; it is not me. I trust myself and my judgement now.

    As for the rank and file figuring it out, I am not optimistic.


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