Warning: Disturbing. Why some people should not have children

by BizzyBee 27 Replies latest social current

  • beksbks

    You wanna hear something crazy Ann? This Liberal thinks that dad should be executed.

  • purplesofa

    If the dad was a long time witness then show the proof, but to throw that out and not know is not too cool.

    How anyone could do this to another human is beyond my comprehension and then on top of it to do it to a child

    I'm with beks, execution would not be kind enough.


  • StAnn

    Beks, believe it or not, I'm against capital punishment.

    I'd like to see this man spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement with the only decoration in his cell being a photo of his mangled child.

    It's scary what these drugs can do to people.

    St. Ann

  • BizzyBee
    The parents maybe should have been aborted. Who knew they'd turn out like this?

    I guess that was my point St. Ann and I had some real hesitation about inflicting this story on the board. When I read this in my morning newspaper, I instantly felt ill, even dizzy and wished I hadn't seen it and didn't have it in my consciousness or could erase it.

    There are some checks and balances, but parental rights are nearly sacrosanct, which is why - coming from a profession that included child abuse investigation - I favor pro-choice when it comes to abortion. Parents who don't want a child, and don't deserve a child, shouldn't have a child simply because they have the equipment to reproduce. But if they find the avenues for abortion closed to them, they will have the child and not value that little life. The child ends up hurt and hurting, damaged and then inflicting their pain inter-generationally. FACT.

    In an ideal world, parents want their children and raise them with love and caring. In a less than ideal world, people who have sex but don't want the resulting children would carry them healthily to term and then give them up to a loving family for adoption. In the REAL world we have parents who have children, keep them, and then physically, sexually, and emotionally abuse and neglect them, and send them out into the world to act out the same abuse on the people they come into contact with, including spouses and the next generation of children. Abortion is one way to mitigate the numbers of children who are unwanted, brutalized, traumatized and damaged beyond redemption.

    I agree. Those parents should have been aborted. But, I disagree that we could not have predicted they'd turn out like this. We did know or certainly should have known. But parental rights are stronger than children's rights, unfortunately.

  • beksbks

    My main reason for being pro choice, is because I believe it is merciful to the unwanted child.

  • Warlock

    But, I disagree that we could not have predicted they'd turn out like this. We did know or certainly should have known.



  • daniel-p


  • BizzyBee

    But, I disagree that we could not have predicted they'd turn out like this. We did know or certainly should have known.

    How? Warlock

    Okay, Warlock, good question. When I say "we" I mean the authorities who are charged with monitoring child welfare. The mother and father were both users of PCP - a drug known for a violent response in those who use it. This minor child was in the sole care of the father, a known PCP user, but -

    CPS officials say there has to pretty much be serious physical abuse -- major bruises or broken bones -- before a child is taken away from his parents automatically. In cases where parents are using drugs, CPS will definitely check on the child, Parnell said. But they won't necessarily remove the child. That all depends on the extent of the drug abuse or the availability of other care -- relatives or neighbors -- for the children, he said.

    It is parental rights in these cases that are actually the "problem" - it takes more than even common sense or common caring to safeguard children from their own parents. That is not going to change anytime soon, if ever. There is only so much that can be done by authorities or by 'society' to protect children from their parents, because we in this country have 'rights' and 'freedoms.' Of course, freedom is a double-edged sword - in order to work, it demands that responsibility be part of the equation. Good luck - most people take the freedom and to hell with the responsibility. In practical terms, it is better to not be born at all than be born into the hell that is the lives of too many innocent children in this world. Yes, this evil world. I would rather be dead than be blind for the rest of my life because "my daddy ate my eyes."

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Doctors said the boy's left eye and muscle were completely missing. His other eye was mutilated beyond repair. The boy told them, "My daddy ate my eyes out."

    I'm going to have bad dreams about this. . .

  • BizzyBee

    JD, I'm sorry....me, too.

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