Interesting blog post about JWs knocking on a door

by passwordprotected 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustHuman14

    Is good to see how others face the same thing. By the way JW's are EXREME PROTESTAND GROUP. They broke from Seventh Day Adventists. A typical Protestand attitude that lead to confussion, and as a result we have the thousands of Protestand sects, that have no Apostolic Succession, no Christian History and Heritage, claiming that they are following the First Christian Church, while having a complete ignorance of the Apostolic History, early literature of the Church and the Succession of the Apostoles. Most strange they claim the Authority of the Bible, while they ignore the fact who gave them the Biblical Canon and the role of the Fathers of the Early Apostolic Church.

    JustHuman formely known justhuman

  • passwordprotected

    I'm with you on this, boyzone. Just before I started to wake up to the truth about the WTS I began questioning the door-to-door ministry. Is it the best way to get the message out there when we've got tools like the internet, was my thinking?

    My conviction is that the WTS want to keep the Witnesses going door-to-door for one reason; to stay beneath the radar. Here in the west, if we're confronted with something new and (perhaps) interesting, what's the first thing we'll door? Google it. The WTS know that if the door-to-door ministry was actually successful, i.e. people were found at home, they're running the risk of people Googling "Jehovah's Witness" and coming across sites like this one and

    Just my take on it.

  • mindmelda

    Well, to the average Protestant, you're only "saved" if you are born again from the Holy Spirit, and they know JWs teach that only 144,000 are born again.

    To their minds, that is teaching that only 144,000 are saved. Just sayin'. *G*

    Also, when most people find out that Jehovahs' Witnesses define the Kingdom of God as an actual government that will basically be run, from a human point of view, by the JW governing body the way their organization is run now, it scares the pants off them.

    They don't even know who these people are, and they're going to run the world like they run their organization after God executes everyone else? They're saying it's God's rule, but hey, that's what extreme Muslim sects say too...they're doing it because it's God's will, it's really God. I'm just thankful Witnesses are also pacifist (well, politically speaking...they're capable of personal violence), or they'd be even scarier.

    That's a VERY SCARY CULTISH IDEA to most other people. Well, to me too, now that I've deconstructed it.

    And they wonder why people freak, hide and or scoff when JWs come to their door?

  • passwordprotected

    Well, to the average Protestant, you're only "saved" if you are born again from the Holy Spirit, and they know JWs teach that only 144,000 are born again.

    To their minds, that is teaching that only 144,000 are saved. Just sayin'. *G*

    Yep, that's about right.

  • ziddina

    Wow, BoyZone, you really nailed it....

    "Bored, plodding sisters... Total lack of impact their message was having..." Very true, in general. The WTBTS' antics have little to no effect on the world in general and at large.

    I was always amazed at their[our] egocentric beliefs that JWs were so important that they'd draw the fury of all the nations down on them and then YHWH would come to 'save' them in the Great Tribulation... I think that's what J.F. Rutherford was trying to do - or maybe he was just naturally pugnacious and belligerent, and that seeped thru the WTBTS of the time.

    Of course, one cannot deny the negative impact as discussed frequently on these boards of the 'shunning'/disfellowshipping behaviors, but as to having any effect on 6-8 billion people? Negligible at best... Still, there's that warm, fuzzy feeling when one believes one is part of an elite, 'special' group...

    PassWordProtected, great thread! I usually nail them with one-liners (see my responses on this thread : ) I just don't want to allow that religion/cult to eat up much more of my time - I do hang out on these boards 'cause I like the people and conversations, so I don't count 'board time' (nyuK! pun intended!) as time still being eaten up by the ex-religion/cult - could be viewed that way, tho...

    I DID get into it with two young male Mormon missionaries who, in effect, stuck their foot in my door when I politely said "no" - I think I may have actually rattled one out of the religion... Hope so!! Zid

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