Jehobo Witnesses = Did you have people who dressed like it was still the 70's?

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • skeeter1

    OMG. My JW dad still keeps all of his 70s garb (white shoes included) in his closet. Thankfully, he stopped wearing them a while back.

  • Kudra

    When I lived in Colorado we went to the Convention in Denver. So the population density in that area (like, all of CO and South and North Dakota) is really low so we have people from everywhere at that convention.

    Oh my god- teh fashion from those northern states! The "sisters" would wear patchwork quilted skirts... I think I even saw an apron-type dress accessory... Many blanket-related fashion disasters...

    Course, I thought I was pretty cool in whatever I was wearing in the late 90s. Probably looked pretty weird myself.

  • beksbks

    It was the '70's

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Thin Leather 2003 is NOT COOL ANY MORE!

  • teela(2)

    I went to an assembly in London at the beginning of the 90's I think it could have been wembly. My parents were visiting from New Zealand and really wanted to go. So on with the heels and a "nice" dress (yuh yuh yuh) and drove them to it. I took no notice of the attendants and parked close so my parents didn't have far to go. I had forgotten how much I hated assemblies, but the thing I noticed was how the woman wore 70's clothes all modest with frills and high heels (just right for pushing the babies trolley in gravel) even some elastic waists.

    My parents sat in the old peoples stand and I sat in a normal area, lasted 25 Mins before going to the pub to read Sunday papers. The queues for womans toilets was out on to the path, so I went to the mens. (common practice in clubs) going in brother stopped me to point out that is mens toilet. I gave him one, pointed out how unloving it was to make women with children wait outside while the mens toilet were being underused. I then proceeded to go to the toilet. I mention this because he had no idea how to handle the situation, he had no power, no respect, no real frame of reference to control my behavior.

    It was like a time warp for me, nothing had changed. They looked dull and lifeless. The clothing could have been new or secondhand but it felt old as did people.

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