Why did they put magazines in my door?

by SnakesInTheTower 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I come home from work yesterday evening and I was already in a foul mood from having a very unproductive day (which was followed by an even worse day today...not good when one is commission only). I open my screen door and what do I find rolled up in my door knob? You guessed it...

    current (May 09) "public" edition of the Wacktower and Asleep! magazines...yaaay for me...what a fu*k&ng blessing for my mood.

    The cover article in Asleep! was about "prescription drug abuse...how can you protect your family?" Now, if I want advice about this subject, I don't think I would read an article from some magazine tucked in my door. I was thinking about how the average householderâ„¢ would react to receiving that particular magazine. When you first look at Asleep! magazine, it seems really very inoculous. No scriptures until page 6. But then an avalanche in the last article "Something better than drugs."

    I only scanned the magazine articles but, really, all I wanted to do was puke. How many thousands of these magazines did I either actively place or, more likely, place in a door or other unattended place over the decades I was a JW. I wonder how many of them went directly into the garbage? I am hopeful that most were. I guarantee you that is where I just tossed mine..into the shredder bin...and then into the recycle bin....lest some unsuspecting fool pick them up, read them, and become a convention experience.

    Why would area dubs put them in my door? I am fairly certain about everyone in the two congregations in this area know where I live. Maybe that is why they stuck current editions in my door. There is nothing in those rags that is going to make me come back to the Truthâ„¢ Lie. Why do they bother? And, the burning question (or maybe its gas), will they count the placements with a baptized inactive witness? answer: who cares.

    Anyway, its a beautiful day. I tried to work, found no one home after two hours, gave up.....boss will be pissed, I don't care.

    I am going to go do laundry and wash and vacuum my car out.

    Maybe tomorrow or the day after I will have an interesting tale to tell that has nothing to do with dubs and a lot to do with laundromats.

    Snakes ()

  • rebel8

    The steamy laundromat again!

    What I do with unwanted ragazines is shred them and return them to their owner. In an envelope with a flag stamp, sealed with a 'donate blood' sticker.

  • mindmelda

    My non-religious best friend who lives on 10 acres of private property with "No Trespassing" signs doesn't get visits from JWs, but they send her stuff through the mail.

    She gives me what I think is a fairly accurate reaction to the average non-religious person to getting religious magazines in the mail, which is somewhere between puzzlement and aggravation.

    "If I wanted to find out more about their religion, I'd go investigate it on the internet, or just ask one, I know who they are in my neighborhood and where their Kingdom Hall is."

    I really believe most of the placements go unread for the most part. People might find an occasional article that looks readable in the Awake on a non-religious topic, but I see a lot of people making fun of the magazine's message, which they find odd, and it's art work, which they find stiff, plastic or also just "odd".

  • hamsterbait

    Snakes -

    You got it right the rags are "inoculous" they innoculate people against this ridiculous cult.

    Maybe the angels knew you need ass wipes. There is a god QED.


  • garybuss

    They put magazines in your door? I'm pissed! Here the slime-balls throw the magazines on the ground. The last time they solicited my neighborhood I picked up 7 Awake! magazines off the ground around my building. They toss em out like the paperboy.

    I actually respect the paperboy. I think the Witnesses are just scum!

  • stillajwexelder

    because they count their time and count their placements - I used to do the same many times - gets the placements up - looks good on a publisher record card

  • ziddina

    "If I wanted to find out more about their religion, I'd go investigate it on the internet..."

    Ooooh, I LIKE that kind of thinking!! Zid

  • ziddina

    Crud. Now I know how double-postings happen... Zid

  • loosie
    What I do with unwanted ragazines is shred them and return them to their owner. In an envelope with a flag stamp, sealed with a 'donate blood' sticker

    I like your attitude Rebel

  • thomas15

    I live in a semi-rural area, about 5 miles from town. Since we moved there 5 years ago, we have not seen the JWs but they did leave the panda tract once, about 2 years ago.

    The Mormons have visited several times when we were home and several other churches have also been at our place, those were follow-up visits from us attending church services. Where we live is semi-rural but residential, so it's not like 1 house per mile. I would have to say that if the JWs are soly responsible for getting out God's message then God is going to a little annoyed with them because they have no outreach in my neighborhood and yet the hall is not that far away.

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