Are Jehovah's Witnesses really honest people?

by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    No, how can they be when they belong and support such a bogus religion like that,

    the Borg places a white cloth over them that they think people can not see through it,

    unfortunately you can very easily, you just have to get a little closer thats all.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I think people are either honest or not. But the problem I have seen with JWs is that when they DO something "honest" they then say stupid things like "I did that because Im a Jehovahs Witness" or "My son returned your wallet because he is a Jehovahs Witness" broadcasting their honesty like they were advertising a business instead of doing what they are SUPPOSED to be doing.

    However, that being said, I have said before, I sat through a child custody court case with Duane Magnani defending the EXJW husband against the JW wife and a BATTERY of Watchtower lawyers, and heard them ALL lie through their teeth. They knew the judge had no clue what their beliefs were and that they could get away with that shit.

    It was despicable. All the more so because they were lying in the name of Jehovah thinking that He allowed them to do so.

  • VIII

    The ones I have known are less honest than most worldlies I've known.

    As WuzluvsDubs pointed out when they DO do the right thing they point out that they are doing it "for Jehovah". GAG.

    I know a couple of them who would steal a dime from you if they think you are not looking. Others lie about everything.

    This kind of stuff makes me wonder how they believe that Jehovah isn't seeing what they are doing and saying and how they actually believe that *they* will make it to they New System. Complete, utter, idiots.

  • Narkissos

    There was a very funny movie by Pedro Almodóvar (not sure which, it was 20 years ago or so; perhaps Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios) where a woman caretaker (janitor) who was asked to lie said something like: "You know I'm a JW, we Witnesses cannot lie, otherwise I would have been pleased to do it of course." Sort of sums it up nicely.

    It's amazing how a Witness mind can harbor both extreme scruples and dishonesty; once when I was a young pioneer I gave a phone call from a call box that (miraculously) worked and returned the money... believe it or not (in France that's almost unbelievable), I felt obliged to go to the post office the next day, tell about the anomaly and offer to pay for the call (I won't forget the stare or the post employee)! And at the same time no scruple about "intellectual honesty" ever came to my mind as I presented the most twisted WT arguments...

    That's the problem when honesty is dependent on a cause; you can be over-honest or utterly dishonest without even noticing the difference as long as both attitudes are consistently construed as required by the cause. Your real "virtue" is not honesty but loyalty.

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