Does the WTS say Facebook is a bad thing?

by lavendar 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    There was a question box in the Kingdom Ministry a year or two ago that warned against social networking sites and "Myspace" in particular. At the time Facebook was really just taking off and Myspace was probably still more popular.

    In short, yes, the WBTS has stated in print that social networking sites are "not advisable". At that time I remember a few JWs cloing their accounts, only to reopen them later.

  • insearchoftruth

    My wife just closed her's this past couple of weeks, am guessing at the suggestion of the sister she is studying with.........I am really disliking that gal more and more each day....

  • straightshooter

    Any internet social networking site is considered bad by the WTBS.

    1. Dangerous apostates might be hiding their true identites on the internet.

    2. Time spent on the internet can be better used in the field ministry.

    3. Worldly thinking can be promoted more easily on the internet.

    4. Even JW internet social contacts, especially with the opposite sex, can result in something bad (dating?).

    So if you follow the directions of the WTBS, MySpace, Facebook, and other social networking sites are evil and are to be avoided as the plague. But we all know that the WTBS set rules that are like the Pharasees to protect its members from having an open mind.

  • JWinprotest

    Actually both Myspace and facebook were mentioned by name at our last circuit assembly when talking about the dangers of the internet.

    We also had a local needs talk following the assembly on the same subject. Maybe there was an incident in the circuit.

  • undercover

    The Society is so out of touch...

    I know people in certain sales and marketing jobs that have been encouraged to network online, including Facebook, MySpace and others. I know some musicians and they all use these sites to promote their music/bands.

    While the rest of the world is becoming more connected and using these tools to promote business and other ventures the Society counsels its members to avoid these tools. If they were smart, they could have found a way to use these mediums to promote their faith and have a way for JWs from all around the world associate online. Instead, they coming off looking exactly what they are, a cult afraid to let its members venture into the world of free information.

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