My elder attacked by a demon!!!

by Albert Einstein 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Last year we had a "sheperding visit" by two elders (one is aged 45, another one 28). The older one is ... how to say it politicaly correct .... is not very smart guy...

    The older one wanted to stress the importance of being close to Jah. so he he mentioned he is sometimes under demons atacks, they visit his apartment, turn on the light, and the other day ... imagine ... he was lying in bed, and the demon had come and laid on him, so the poor elder couldnt even breathe ... Only calling upon Jahs name did save him! (of course!!!)

    Iam really not making this up!

    What would you answer on that?


  • The Berean
    The Berean

    It worked ... this elder probably would have been a no-count in life unless he made up some unbelievable story. Sort of like Richard Reid , the shoe bomber. That ex-con would have lived and died without notice. Now, he is in history books for trying to lead innocent victims to their death.

  • undercover
    he was lying in bed, and the demon had come and laid on him, so the poor elder couldnt even breathe

    That's not a demon. He needs real help, not counsel from people who believe in talking snakes and virgin births...

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I agree with undercover. There could be an underlying health condition to blame. Please suggest that he make an appointment with his doctor to discuss the situation.

  • Elsewhere

    > he was lying in bed, and the demon had come and laid on him, so the poor elder couldnt even breathe

    Yup, Undercover nailed it. The man is suffering from a medical condition called Night Terrors.

    You need to print up some information for him so he can receive proper medical care.

  • StAnn

    If he didn't have the breath to breathe, how did he have the breath to call out Jehoober's name?

    St. Ann

  • mkr32208

    I would have to say, "thats it just get out of my house your too stupid to be in here..."

  • Satanus

    It must have been one of those succubii demons. Oh wait, there aren't any female demons, are there? Homosexual demon, then;) Seriously though, sleep apnea, or something like that.


  • rebel8

    A friend of mine who immigrated from a kind of backward nation (technologically speaking) thought ATM machines were operated by zombies.

    UNTIL she learned what really makes them work. Now she giggles at herself.

    The difference between her and your friend (probably) is that she is willing to learn and grow.

    Your elder probably won't care about Night Terrors because he prefers ignorance. Hopefully I'm wrong.

  • Elsewhere

    > A friend of mine who immigrated from a kind of backward nation (technologically speaking) thought ATM machines were operated by zombies.

    Hold on a second... did she think that:

    1. There is a zombie person hidden inside the ATM machine handing out cash


    2. AMT's are use by people who are zombies.

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