I just want this to stop!

by mrsjones5 40 Replies latest social family

  • BabaYaga

    Good heavens, Jonesie! I don't have any advice, I am just speechless...

  • mindmelda

    I really sympathise. We lost our house in January of this year to foreclosure, we'd only lived in it 9 months when our small business went under, we were self employed contractors for 15 years in the same area and actually doing well until the housing crunch hit our area.

    We had to move to another state for work and it's been rough, my troubles aren't anything compared to this. I only have to deal with my largely inactive JW parents by phone!

    It was tougher when we lived near them, too, but only my mother was a critical busybody. But, no one has the right to just intrude into your home. The landlord should know that your privacy is being violated like this. You're doing nothing wrong, but of course, if you're not living just the way some think you should be, they will feel they're "helping' by doing this. Nothing could be less true. What shocking behavior!

  • mrsjones5

    We plan to alert the landlord tomorrow

  • ex-nj-jw

    Mrs. J - I know the feeling.

    My crazy JW mom call social services on me once. My kids were 2 mos, 2 1/2 and 5. They came in stripped my kids searched my house, looked in cabinets, fridge, everything and left stating the charges were unfounded! I was beyond pissed, the trauma this caused to my kids all because I refused to let her see the kids, take them to the meetings (or go myself) and she hates my husband because of course he's the reason I won't come back to Jehoover, I'm pissed all over again now just thinking about it, idiots

    I know you guys are having a tough time right now and I truely hope things will get better very very soon. I had to cut off all ties with my mother and father because they couldn't keep their noses out of my personal business, you may have to do the same.


  • mrsjones5

    Yes, it's moving towards that. The meaness displayed by my parents is incredible. By allowing them to help us I've opened the door for them to try and control me and if I don't do as they say the abuse starts. Just in the last week I've been called a liar and a thief just because I would not give them information about my personal business. I'm in total defense mode, any trust I had in my parents is totally shot.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    So sorry to hear about this Josie.

    You had a lovely home in Indiana. I am sorry you lost it. I am sorry things are not going well in CA. I would pray for you - but I don't pray these days.


  • mrsjones5

    Good thoughts are enough Jeff


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Josie,

    Just got in and saw your sorrowful tale.

    I'm sorry and hope that you find a way to disentangle gracefully [?] from your parents. Are they Witnesses? If so, that doesn't necessarily mean they've got the famous fruits of the spirit in operation. Toxic is toxic ... regardless.



  • mrsjones5

    Yeah they're jws with control issues in full force

  • independent_tre


    Just read your about what's happening and I totally feel for you. It sounds like you have a toxic relationship with your parents and you just have to keep them at a distance for sanity's sake. I hope things get better. Let those who build you up and support you into your life, and like you said.. kick all that other mess to the curb!

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