Mother's Day: Do You Send Your JW Mom a Card/Gift?

by VIII 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • purplesofa

    LOL, I don't care what religion a MOM is, you gotta just love getting something on Mothers Day!!!!!

    I know when I became a witness, at 27, so I experianced Mothers Day for awhile.

    Even harder to give up than Christmas and Birthdays was Mothers Day,

    and my kids would bring little things home from school they made for me

    and it was just so wonderful.

  • mrsjones5

    I love mother's day. I get breakfast in bed, then I get to clean up the kitchen. This year will be different, I want breakfast in bed and a clean kitchen.

  • purplesofa

    Hope you get it Josie,

    I think I will do good to get a Happy Mothers Day, coming from 5 kids that should make for a good day!!!!

  • Balsam

    JW's don't celebrate Mothers Day or Fathers Day. My sons were raised as JW's and it never occurs to them to give me something at Mother's Day, it doesn't bother me after all what could I expect. My sons and I are close though and I don't feel I need a card to confirm that they do after all I went for years without it. My husband gets on to my youngest son to get me something for mothers day and he does do it but it isn't spontanious but it is ok.

    My youngest son does get me and his Step Dad something at Christmas which is always a happy time. Its tough I think for kids raised in the JW's to be suddenly interested celebrating holidays. I know some who have been out more than 10 years and still feel weird about doing anything for holidays.

    Good for you young folks who have overcome your JW raising and do celebrate. If I was in the JW's how would I feel if my children sent me holiday cards, gifts if I really didn't feel comfortable contacting them because of disassocation or disf'ing? I think I would not welcome it, but perhaps I would secretly be happy about it. Calling your child on their birthday without ever saying Happy Birthday is something a JW Mom would pray that their child would see and understand.

    Goodness as a Mother I am glad I was able to leave the JW's and help my son's to leave too. I'm thankful I have no more family in the JW it is such a good thing to be out.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I was just mulling this over on the weekend. I told my wife that I wanted to send my mom some flowers on Mother's day. My wife cracked up laughing. she knows my mom has not gone to meetings in years, but that she wills till reject the idea because of how long she has been associated with the wbts.

    I'm a gonna send them anyway. She deserves all my love, praise and honor. Oh, wifey is getting some too!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Mother's and Father's day are beautiful times to show our parents how much we appreciated the sacrifices they made to raise us well. Anyone who has raised children knows how hard it is and all the love that is involved.

    I send both a gift on their day and also spend time and a meal with them. I treasure the time I have left to spend with them and even more so now that the borg can no longer divide us.

  • VIII

    I would hope that, even being raised as JWs, we would press the point with our parents, if still living, that we love them. Personally, I have major issues with my own mother. However, I still love her and want to let her know the most basic way; with a Hallmark card.

    I went to a Hallmark store today and looked at all the cards. There were cards that have recordings of old songs and are funny, cards that you can put your own recording into and cards that are just funny, cards that are sweet and cards that fit any thing you want to say.

    The store was really crowded. There were men and women shopping. Which was really nice to see.

    Hopefully it will eventually get through to her that sending a card to someone does not make them evil. It just lets them know you care.

  • loosie

    I agree, finding the perfect gift and hiding it until the bday or christmas is way fun for the giver. I like to torture my daughter with where things are hidden. It just kills her not to know before hand.

    I did send my mother ( whom I don't speak to) a bday card. Not because I was being nice but because it made me feel good to be normal and I know it would bug her for at least a good week.

    BTW I am now the evil daughter

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