by iknowall558 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HintOfLime

    I can only assume that a sexist God is one that doesn't know a dang thing about "peak efficiency". Some of the most successful businesses in the world are run by some very intelligent women. Sex has nothing to do with leadership ability.

    Oh.. right... equality of the sexes is a modern moral concept, championed by Satan's world... kinda like how France established the concept of a 'minimum age of consent', and then California democracy later embraced and extended the idea.

    Unfortunately, God's morals don't change... they remain barbaric forever.

    - Lime

  • loosie

    LOL that was hilarious

  • iknowall558

    I think the view of women in the org. is definitely bordering on a chauvenistic one.

    Women, in the literature are always portrayed in submissive and stereotyped roles. The "paradise pictures" in the books and leaflets show the women gathering fruit, carrying bread and fruit or setting the table with bread and fruit..(.cause that's all we're gonna eat in the paradise). They are also shown looking after the children, and staring adoringly at their husbands . Their outward appearance is always that of perfection, never a hair out of place, always a wide smile, and always wearing feminine and conservative clothes........never trousers! I have never seen a JW woman or small girl being presented in the literature wearing trousers, not even in the drawings or paintings. It's always dresses or skirts and always below the knees......waaaay below the knees.

    In some ways it kind of freaks me out. It's like 'Little House On The Prairie' meets the 'Stepford Wives'.

    The sisters are definitely kept in their place in the organiszation, and as oompah pointed out they are never used to carry out even mundane jobs in the hall like doing the mics. Seems like its being put across loud and clear that the sisters will be needed to make the tea and cakes in the paradise so that the men can get on with all the important manual and intellectual work of restoring the earth. What they don't know is that if they left it to the women they would get double the work done in half the time....No problem !

  • SPAZnik

    It's like 'Little House On The Prairie' meets the 'Stepford Wives

    You totally read my mind on that one.

  • beksbks
  • John Doe
    John Doe

    That video ought to be required viewing for all prospective brides.

  • iknowall558

    @John Doe Mouth is hanging open ....cant reach you to slap you..

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    @John Doe Mouth is hanging open ....cant reach you to slap you..

    Know your limits, my good lady. Also, might be prudent to pick a more apt username.

  • iknowall558

    He he !

    My son originally started this and picked the name. I hijacked it and cant change it.

    Your wife must love you.....though wouldn' entirely surprise me if you were still single.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    though wouldn' entirely surprise me if you were still single.

    Why yes I am. I don't seem foolish, do I?

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