by Sad Michael 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam

    Hi Sad Michael,

    I'm sorry for ruffling feathers here. I seem to be quite good at it lately,

    Hey don't worry too much, we all do it every now and again, myself included! After all, this is a diverse place, diverse views of every kind.

    as my wife has adopted apostate views ( you know what I mean) and seems to have found a new calling in trying to "free" all those who will listen. I don't. I get all the other side of the coin I can handle right here. If anyone wants to offer a suggestion as to how I might be able to deal with this (which I somehow doubt I'll find here) without more JW bashing, I'd like to hear it

    Yes it must be tough for JWs here. Reniaa can testify to that. However, there are plenty of ex JWs with plenty of real grievances and wounds to be healed.

    I've read all the responses to my postings(RE; PUBLIC TALK ABOUT ORAL SEX) and and appreciate that at least someone is reading them. I really just wish someone would practice forgiving in the same way Jesus did; without concern for the wrong committed, but only with the highest degree of regard for how Jehovah ( just plain God to you who are offended a the use of his name, YHWH to others who consider themselves purists) sets the conditions for our forgiveness. Forgive and be forgiven -- end of story.

    I agree. I only think it is possible with the Spirit Of Christ, the Holy Spirit, that true forgiveness can come. I have experienced it myself. Some real deep wounds perfectly healed :)

    If I promise you something that I really believe will happen or that I can do, if it doesn't happen or I can't do it, does it make the intention of my promise wrong? If I tell you something that I really believe is true, and later find out it's not, would it be better to let you believe I thought all along it was true, or tell you when I found out? Would any one of you do any better at running a worldwide organization? I know there are some things I would change, but I also know I would be as unqualified in many areas as most here feel the GB are in most. We are really throwing the baby out with the bath water when we hold them to a higher standard. We make them out to be greater than us, when if fact they really are our servants, we just sometimes forget that they are.

    I guess that the GB has some sincere men. However, sincerity is not the issue, truth is. Please forgive the example, but Hitler was very sincere in his beliefs! Jesus said you will know the truth and it will set you free. I know that IS truth as a born again Christian. It is not freedom in a hippie sense, smoke pot, free love and such but freedom from fear, freedom from sin, freedom from addictions, freedom from following the law, trying hard to do good and such.

    It seems as though each of us has been in one way or another let down, lied to, cheated or even (I'll probably be sorry for opening this can of worms) abused by someone in the WTBS. OK, so don't feel like the lone ranger....... There is nothing to be gained when we hold on to the pain except more pain. Just let it go and forgive. How can any of us expect to be forgiven otherwise? How can any of us expect to be able to have a form of worship that is acceptable? How can any of us say we love God while hating our brother? Answer please.........?

    I agree entirely. However, many here have not been born again and can experience the supernatural forgiveness that comes from Christ. I pray they do find it, as I said, it is totally liberating.

    Any anger I have is directed at the WT, a faceless org. I do not hate those who are involved with it, I try and show them love, Reniaa here included. I hate what the WT stands for though. It stands directly against Jesus and blasphemes His Holy Spirit. For example, the WT says He was raised as a "spirit creature". That does not sound worthy for the King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince Of Peace, The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The Last, The Beginning and The End does it?

    All the best,


  • Marjorie

    Agreed, Stephen and Berean.


    Sad Michael..See!..I told you if you started a thread,you`d get the replys your looking for!..Good job!!.....I hope this encourages you to write more threads,about things that interest you.........................................In answer to your thread..I can forgive someone who realises they have done wrong and honestly wants to change..The GB shows no such remorse..They don`t want to be forgiven..They want to be obeyed..........The GB will carry on as they have always done..Dam anyone who is harmed or killed because of thier stupidity..They expect "you" to show remorse,for not supporting them..Regardless of what harm they cause to anyone..............................I can`t do that...................OUTLAW

  • Sad Michael
    Sad Michael

    I guess this really gets to the heart of it doesn't it. When something festers in you what is the usual outcome?? We'll skip the graphic description..........but you get the idea. I won't be good , and I doubt if anyone has really ever lit up a room by letting "Fester" come in to stay a while.

    Basic truths are 1) Jehovah loves us 2) his son voluntarily died for us 3)everybody screws up 4) everybody needs and deserves forgiveness

    Marjorie sounds kinda bitter....... let go of the hurt you got at the hands of whomever. I know it's very precious to you and makes you feel alive, but there is greater freedom and real life in the forgiving of others than in the hoped for "just deserts" they may receive at the hands of someone else. Remember Jonah and Nineveh ?

    ............In answer to your thread..I can forgive someone who realises they have done wrong and honestly wants to change..The GB shows no such remorse..They don`t want to be forgiven..They want to be obeyed..........The GB will carry on as they have always done..Dam anyone who is harmed or killed because of thier stupidity..They expect "you" to show remorse,for not supporting them..Regardless of what harm they cause to anyone..............................I can`t do that...................OUTLAW

    Outlaw you sound kinda bitter too. You guys think you've been duped? You have, but not by Jehovah.................................I usually reserve the words "I can't" for things like resurrect the dead and changing water to wine. Everything else is basically "I won't"......think about it . It was never supposed to be easy to "take up your torture stake and follow me continually"


    Corinthians4:3-6)3 If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. 5 For we are preaching, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as YOUR slaves for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God is he who said: “Let the light shine out of darkness,” and he has shone on our hearts to illuminate [them] with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ.

    Yes it must be tough for JWs here. Reniaa can testify to that. However, there are plenty of ex JWs with plenty of real grievances and wounds to be healed.

    Yeah, I really am one of Jehovah's witnesses. I just checked out a very difficult territory. ALL HERE NEED TO GET BACK WHERE THEY BELONG CAll it a reminder if you like, but you still hear the shepard voice in the distance. I know you do cause my wife does. I just have no choice with her, I can't have peace and give her reminders too.


    I agree entirely. However, many here have not been born again and can experience the supernatural forgiveness that comes from Christ.

    I pray they do find it, as I said, it is totally liberating.

    I'm sure Eve felt the same way until it really sunk in what she had given up. I was born again once too, I just got tired of being born again and again and again..........each time I realized I was sinning against God. It became obvious to me that I wasn't a new creature. I was just the "miserable man that I am" --- Paul said it so well.

    I won't dignify your comment about WT standing directly against Jesus, Stephen -- you bad boy -- you know better

    Just let go of the self inflicted pain you are giving yourselves over this thing and stop banging your head on the wall. I will feel better when you quit, I promise. Oh yeah, I almost forgot - Psalm 119:165 Really meditate on this one It solves all problems with others, the world and yourself................ I'm praying for all of us. Maybe "Not So Sad Michael" now

  • LouBelle
  • Sad Michael
    Sad Michael

    Please elaborate LouBelle...... I always like to know the extent of my stumbling others if I do and the exact point they were unable to overcome so I can be more careful, or if nothing else, more fully understand their perspective.

  • Johnny

    Funny that you mention this Sadmichael: "If I tell you something that I really believe is true, and later find out it's not, would it be better to let you believe I thought all along it was true, or tell you when I found out?"

    Because I have always found it interesting that the Society NEVER says, "we were wrong". Is not that the first step towards forgiveness?

    Where is their humility??

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Because I have always found it interesting that the Society NEVER says, "we were wrong". Is not that the first step towards forgiveness?

    To obey them is to obey God ...They are God.... God is never wrong .... Oh and to refuse to recognize their authority is to commit the unforgivable sin.

  • passwordprotected

    If the Governing Body did not demand unquestioning obedience to their flawed and every-changing doctrines, if they did not expect their adherents to practice the cruel 'art' of shunning, then maybe we'd all just go away and forget we were ever a part of the Watch Tower Society.

    However, the Governing Body does demand obedience. And they teach that all who leave the Watch Tower Society must be shunned. Even if the leaver is a close family member.

    So, yes, we can all make mistakes and in our earnest efforts to do good, end up doing wrong. Sadly, the Governing Body will not face their wrongs, the lives wrecked by their policies and "unique beliefs" and the duplicity of their double-standards. Thus those who follow the Governing Body unquestioningly, i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses, should do their best to respect and understand the hurt and pain and anger felt by us who have left.

    There are a lot of broken people here and they deserve our respect and compassion.

  • StoneWall

    Hmm lets see here now....

    When Adam and Even made one mistake in the garden did anyone in particular that you can think of Forgive?

    Or would you say Fester?

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