by Sad Michael 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sad Michael
    Sad Michael

    I'm sorry for ruffling feathers here. I seem to be quite good at it lately, as my wife has adopted apostate views ( you know what I mean) and seems to have found a new calling in trying to "free" all those who will listen. I don't. I get all the other side of the coin I can handle right here. If anyone wants to offer a suggestion as to how I might be able to deal with this (which I somehow doubt I'll find here) without more JW bashing, I'd like to hear it

    I've read all the responses to my postings(RE; PUBLIC TALK ABOUT ORAL SEX) and and appreciate that at least someone is reading them. I really just wish someone would practice forgiving in the same way Jesus did; without concern for the wrong committed, but only with the highest degree of regard for how Jehovah ( just plain God to you who are offended a the use of his name, YHWH to others who consider themselves purists) sets the conditions for our forgiveness. Forgive and be forgiven -- end of story.

    If I promise you something that I really believe will happen or that I can do, if it doesn't happen or I can't do it, does it make the intention of my promise wrong? If I tell you something that I really believe is true, and later find out it's not, would it be better to let you believe I thought all along it was true, or tell you when I found out? Would any one of you do any better at running a worldwide organization? I know there are some things I would change, but I also know I would be as unqualified in many areas as most here feel the GB are in most. We are really throwing the baby out with the bath water when we hold them to a higher standard. We make them out to be greater than us, when if fact they really are our servants, we just sometimes forget that they are.

    It seems as though each of us has been in one way or another let down, lied to, cheated or even (I'll probably be sorry for opening this can of worms) abused by someone in the WTBS. OK, so don't feel like the lone ranger....... There is nothing to be gained when we hold on to the pain except more pain. Just let it go and forgive. How can any of us expect to be forgiven otherwise? How can any of us expect to be able to have a form of worship that is acceptable? How can any of us say we love God while hating our brother? Answer please.........?

  • LouBelle

    Sad Michael - I think there are certain phases that one goes through when you've learnt that you've been lied to by a religion that has held you accountable on so many levels and when you turn that accountablity onto them they ALWAYS opt out finding an excuse for this or that. Thus the anger, the hurt, the disappointment. Nothing wrong with these reactions, even christ displayed righteous anger at those that were using the temple as a place of commerce.

    After a certain period has passed and one is, then yes many of us do move on, even forgive those so called brothers and sisters / family that shun us, that treat us with contempt. Funny thing though, the organisation, the GB, the elders, the rank and file wont treat those that they've outsted with forgiveness or love.

    Consider Christ when it came to forgiveness....the desire for forgiveness had to come from the sinner. The sinner had to want to change. Plus if one continued to do the same thing over and over again there was the warning " Do not blaspheme against the holy spirit ".

    Each one of us walk our own spiritual path, some paths may lead to hating the organisation and somehow through that hate they find their way back. Some of us may go into another faith to be taught something else. It's each to their own. May you find your path in life and be concerned with that.

    As for your wife - let her be, she feels she needs to reach out to those she cares for by letting them know the truth about ""the truth"" - why fight her on this? She will realise soon that the desire to be set free has to come from the person themself and no amount of talking or proving from her side will get them to change ( This is a lesson I had to learn. I had a deep desire for all to hear my words and to hear how heartfelt they were - I can say that I felt as Christ did when he looked down on jerusalem and said "how I wish to gather you as a hen gathers her chicks".)

    All the best to you on your journey.

  • Marjorie

    Thank you LouBelle, for such a well-balanced post.

  • WTWizard

    If the disappointment was a mistake, the result of circumstances beyond their reasonable control, or because they found out that they just couldn't make it, I tend to forgive. If the disappointment was a result of initiatory fraud on their part or if they make a promise and then dog it on fulfilling, I will not forgive. And especially if Jehovah is the one that dogs it on fulfilling promises.

  • Finally-Free

    I adhere to the principle taught to me by the watchtower society, namely that I'm not obligated to extend forgiveness to someone who doesn't apologize or display repentence.


  • boyzone

    Yes nice post Loubelle.


  • The Berean
    The Berean

    From another direction:

    When it comes to forgive and forget it is hard for me not to recall scriptures that set a precedent. Did God ever forgive Satan for his actions? Was not sickness and death a recurring penalty fot mankind due to Adam and Eve's choices? Then again, doesn't scripture tell us sins were passed on from one generation to another for those continuing to sin? Genesis 3: 14-15, 17-19, Exodus 20:5-6

    To me , we are trapped. The Bible says that the "wages sin pays is death" and also that everyone sins. Romans:6-23, Romans:3-20 Even though we are told that Christ erased sin I don't understand why humans still die after Christ reportedly came and went ... why must pain continue? Apparently, God wishes to continue to drive a point home ...

    Death as we know it is permanent, or at least I haven't talked to anyone yet who has avoided the sentence. Again, apparently God has limits as to how much he wil take from humans withg out lashing out. Ezekiel 33:12-13

    I guess what I am wondering is that if God doesn't simply forgive and forget and we are made "in his image," might this be be the reason it is so difficult for flawed mankind to move on without demanding long-term retribution from an accused offender ?

  • BurnTheShips


  • diffedexjw

    Being a man it's pretty easy to forgive, and to forget, I smoke a big fatty and I forget all about it. Then I proceed to smile. I'm a very happy person so it makes it easy to forgive and forget. And I also remind myself everyday, that humans are a really dumb species.

  • Marjorie

    Lying, deceitfulness, and abuse has its consequences, Sad Michael.

    Since the WTS has lied, abused, and deceived people, then the WTS should expect nothing less than a tarnished reputation. It is the natural order of things.

    Every day, in courts and out of them, men and women suffer the consequences of lying, deceiving and abusing their fellow man.

    Why should it be any different for the WTS? Especially when they are unrepentant, and continue said actions?

    And why should it matter to you if we lesser mortals forgive the WTS or not? You should be more concerned whether Jesus, Jehovah, God, or YHWH will forgive the WTS.

    Deuteronomy 18:22

    But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

    Revelation 22:18, 19

    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    According the Bible, anyone who does these things will die. And the WTS, through its twisted doctrines, has done all three.

    Now if God thinks these actions are unforgivable and deserving of death, why should I or anyone else think otherwise? This is why your wife is taking the commendable action of trying to warn others, so that they can remove themselves from a hypocritical, pitiless, unbiblical, and morally bankrupt organization.

    If you think that is 'JW bashing', then your argument is with Jesus, Jehovah, God, or YHWH, not with the rest of us.

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