Jehovah's Witnesses do not know their own doctrines

by BonaFide 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I am still active to try and help family and friends, so that's why i say we. I know I have brought this up before, but I cannot get over the fact that every service group I go in, and every dinner after the meeting, or coffee or whatever, no one seems to be reading the magazines. No one understands the doctrines of the Generation, 1919, not even blood.

    When I bring up one of those subjects, one in the group will repeat the phrase we learned at the meetings, such as "blood fractions is not really blood" or "I think the generation refers more to the anointed or something like that." Nothing really specific.

    And after a few minutes, EVERYONE GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. I keep on having to change the subject. Even long-time Witnesses, the only things they say about the truth is, "What a great talk that brother gave." Almost nothing about the "points" of the talk, unless he had a really interesting illustration.

    Is there anyone out there that is still "active" that has actual Bible discussions with Witnesses in car groups, restaurants, or anywhere?


  • rebel8

    True, their knowledge is very shallow in general, and recent. They have amnesia about their pasts and their brains go numb when prompted to think about anything deeply.

    I went through a period of time where I'd ask questions like you did, but my motive was just to make sense of it. In my home we had a lot of the older publications and they were completely wacked. There was a lot of uncomfortable silence.

    An elder relative of mine said CTR and JFR were nuts & he wondered why Jehovah didn't give them clearer knowledge.

  • garybuss

    This is my experience too. Witnesses I know, don't know their own religion at all, and even less about the Bible they claim to know so well. It's all an act. A comedy!

  • wobble

    I agree ,I was amazed when I began to discuss with my sister and her husband why my Wife and I no longer go to meetings, how very limited their knowledge of what they are supposed to believe is, remember these are people who have been Dubs for over half a centuary, but I had to keep saying "you had better go and look that up!" coz they just didn't get it.

    I was also surprised at how SHALLOW their faith was, it came down to emotion,how they felt, and my Bro in Law said the crap "But I think it's still the best way of life" WHAT?? even if it aint true???? It's a CRAP way of life, even if it was true!


    Astounded Wobble.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Agree 100%. Most JWs--especially the under-40 born-in crowd--don't know much about doctrine beyond (1) no trinity, (2) no hell, (3) no immortal soul, and (4) paradise earth.

    And to the point relayed by Wobble about "it's still the best way of life": When JWs say this, I doubt they're talking about getting up early, putting on a cheap suit and pestering their neighbors on Saturday mornings. I also doubt they're talking about running home from work on Thursday night, gulping down some food, putting on another cheap suit, and sitting at a sales meeting for 2 hours. Rather, they're probably talking about living a morally clean life according to "Bible principles."

    So, here the Witness is basically co-opting all of the good stuff from the Bible and making it the sole province of the JWs. As if you could not possible follow "Bible principles" if you weren't a JW. This is not sound reasoning.

    I actually agree that living by "Bible principles" (and by this, I mean the golden rule and Jesus' lessons on morality) is the best way of life. But you don't have to be a JW to follow these rules. There are lots of people in the world who do their best to live by these principles. Some of these are not Christians--some are not even religious. And they would agree that it's the best way of life.

  • leavingwt

    It's ALL about the latest WT Study information. Nothing more.

  • BonaFide

    Its such a change from when I was a teenager in the 80's. I had a ton of talks on tape from brother Glass, J.R. Brown, Sydlik, even some old Franz talks. We used to listen to them in the car. And we had WT studies sometimes on Sat night. We used to preach for 8 hours on Saturdays sometimes, then go to the movies.

    And if we heard a cool speaker was in town, we would drive miles to hear him.

    I don't think anyone does that anymore either.


  • crapola

    I asked my sister about the blood fraction ungerstanding and she did'nt know what to say. Said she would look up information about it. That's been about 2 months ago and it's not been mentioned since! Makes you wonder if any of them really understand why certain things are taught or not.

  • Chalam


    I have had a few knocking on my door and they must be pretty keen, they have "answers" for many of the serious theological questions I have.

    If they do not have "answers" they are quick to go home and study until they have one, even if it makes absolutely no sense!

    I am afraid their ilk has been around for nearly two thousand years.

    2 Timothy 3:6-7 (New International Version)

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

    All the best,


  • steve2

    Very few of them can answer questions of doctrine and fewer of them seem to care. I refer to their indifference as the "Can we play tennis now?" syndrome. Bored by all the talk about doctrine and just wanting to chill out - dare I say, like normal humans.

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