You would not believe how my JW friends responded to Flippers' comments

by BonaFide 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    So what are the last figures for the amount of partakers at the memorial?


  • 1914BS

    The JWs are supposed to be ordained ministers full of accurate knowledge. The live forever book pounded that idea into JW minds for years. Now if the JW is faced with explaining doctrine at the door they will run and hide or change the subject.

  • homeschool

    Why would the JW's post an increase in numbers? Are they just not realizing when they publish it? it seems they'd work the numbers to make it LOOK like its going down, no?

  • Quandry

    I've always maintained that the best weapon against the watchtower is their own literature.

    How true!!! It makes them nervous to actually discuss something the WT says. They are afraid of how they will look to others. It's like the Salem Witch Trials....everyone was afraid to speak up, lest they be accused of being a witch themselves.

  • 1914BS

    I think the WTS could care less about the great crowd anymore. They are no longer the "generation" - the anointed are. So it looks as though the anointed will now magically increase and the JWs will go ooooooooh

  • HintOfLime

    "He has the questions. He has the beginnings of answers. I'm sure he senses where those answers will lead. But he can only go so far before the self-preservation mechanism trips and he restores his default settings.

    I don't blame him. His life is more tightly locked into the JW community now than it was before. Too much to lose." - AnnOMaly

    Sorry to hear this, Ann. My father is the same way. When I left, we had a few arguments, and at one point after I made a particularly good case defending scientific study of the world versus 'faith' - but he simply interrupted with "Well, I'm sorry, I know why you made this decision, but I can't follow you. I have to do what's best for the rest of the family, and right now we're settled in this new congregation with some very good friends."

    I thought that was interesting - he knew I had a better supported answer, but logic and evidence wasn't something he could base a decision on. The social control the watchtower enforces on witnesses is successful on him. He's not willing to lose his friends, so he keeps teaching things that are false, and in the process, ties more people up in the trap.

    - Lime

  • BonaFide

    Ok, I am back online. Thanks for the encouragement. Some seem to be sort of viewing me in a different light. One said to me recently, "So, Bonafide, doing any RESEARCH lately?" In a sarcastic way.

    Steve2, I do think that someone might try to get me into trouble, I do try and always say I support the Slave.

    It's just so strange to see Witnesses actually physically uncomfortable when you bring up certain subjects.


  • flipper

    DIGDERIDOO- If I'm not mistaken the latest figures on those partaking at the last Memorial was 9,996 or just about 10,000 ! Weird eh ?

    BONAFIDE- Hang in there. You are doing a good job. I'm sure it is quite unsettling for you to see the members in your congregation start doubting you just because you bring up some points in the WT societies OWN PUBLICATIONS ! I think there is so much fear among the rank and file members that gets instilled in them from the GB always talking about " apostates " or " Satan " - that they are totally paranoid about ANYTHING brought up which makes them question at all.

    But the way I see this June 15th article is that the governing body is sending a message loud and clear to any of these newbie anointed who are partaking that they better know there place and position - and to realize that the 12 old studs on the governing body still wield the power and control what the rest of the JW's are being taught. And ONLY the 12 GB members dispense that food - and they better not forget that ! It's a consolidation of power and control by the governing body which sends a clear message they will be the ONLY ones dispensing the alleged " spiritual food ". Many cults start closing ranks of control and power when they get desperate. I think the GB is getting to that desperate point now

  • steve2

    Steve2, I do think that someone might try to get me into trouble, I do try and always say I support the Slave.

    Excellent strategy...they would be mean SOBS if they should ever turn on you! I like how you ask the questions in complete "innocence" - kinda of taking a line that says, "Help me understand...."

    Your behaviour has a scriptural precedent: Jesus' admonition to be as wily as serpents but innocent as doves!

  • Borgia


    It's amazing how quickly they turned on you. But since you yourself noticed how they are not in complete harmony with the truth as taught by Jehovahs witnesses......they are actually apostate and are not keeping pace with Jehovahs organisation........

    lot's of loaded language I know but very handy to use in such situations..



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