
by bazackward 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    In the movie The Matrix Morpheus said: "There is a rule that we do not free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It is dangerous. They have trouble letting go.".

    I think there is something to be said for this rule when it comes to JWs too.

    As rebel8 says, follow her lead.

  • yknot

    She is finally exploring her 'doubts'..... all JWs have them.

    Be honest if she asks a question but continue to listen with sensitivity.

    She isn't alone, many are in her position and between the abandonment and changes most are privately rattled. Unlike other denominations that hold socialization as vital the JWs are limited to FS for socialization and if she isn't participating she will be forgotten quickly.

    Bitterness is a bad way to end life.

    Try and expand her horizons beyond daily JW life if you can by special planned trips with your mom, you and grandma. A stroll in a local botanical garden, trip to the museum, a day of remembering her favorite life experiences (a memoir writing session perhaps for family posterity) or introductions to the local senior center, getting involved at the library's bookclub, teaching her to use the internet (hey my grandpa is 85 and is very internet savvy), maybe even enrolling in a college course (my grandpa takes a non-credit course each semester).

    I also don't think it would hurt to invite her to church with you or your mom. It is just an invitation not a conversion.

    Isolation is deadly and socialization is life.

    Sending love, good vibes and prayers to you and your family

  • nelly136

    your nan is probably familiar with the term spiritual endangerment, just give her a good time while shes with you,

    and leave the jws to do what they do best when it comes to looking after the elderly and expendable. she'll probably notice the difference for herself without you needing to say anything.

  • bazackward

    Thanks for all of your responses. It sounds like the consensus is that we are doing the right thing -- just let her take the steps on her own and just give her whatever support she needs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of the most important messages for us to get across to her is that we love her regardless of her status with the JWs. Anyways, thanks again for your help!

  • leavingwt

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of the most important messages for us to get across to her is that we love her regardless of her status with the JWs.

    Absolutely! Patience and unconditional love are crucial.

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