If they can shun......so can I

by KAYTEE 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • boyzone

    Yes but there are limits. KT's brother in law doesn't take care of his mother like he should. He's left that responsibility to KT and his wife. At the same time this BIL is being told that KT and wife show the characteristics of satan and don't care for "victims of calamity" a per the latest Watchtower.

    Meanwhile dear BIL is off serving where the need is greater, the sun is shining and the wine flowing - spain. So I can understand KT's frustration with this situation.

    KT. Why don't you have a frank discussion with your BIL and make your feelings known? Then if BIL agrees with the latest Watchtower poison, you are perfectly entitled to refuse him entry on your property.

  • Outaservice

    There is something we refer to as 'tough love' and that might be necessary with the brother-in-law. Since you are a 'believer' in God, you might want to ask Him what is right in this situation as every case seems to be different and should be considered on an individual basis.

    Keep us posted.


  • Mattieu

    ok, forget the wine (though I wont tonight). Just ask him what would Jesus do????? So many times when I was growing up (still am at the age of 40) elders, w/t and my mum used to say "what would Jesus do in this situation?" Now, they dont dare ask that question because the society is doing exactly the opposite of what Jesus would do.

    Amen, Mattieu.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    By doing this reverse shunning, don't you think you could be setting the stage to destroy a chance to help them find their way out? If their shunning is unloving and unchristian, shouldn't we not imitate them?

  • onefootout

    I think the difference is that for most witnesses shunning is not personal, in fact it is not something they WANT to do...it is something they HAVE to do. For a fully active believer, there is no compromising, no halfway. So, they feel to be acceptable to God they have to shun even if they hate having to do it. Sad and misguided, yes, but not personal.

    For someone to shun out of spite, well that IS personal.

    If there is ever an awakening on the part of your BIL, you want your door to be open, unless there are other issues other than religion then thats a whole other ball of wax. ofo


    Hi Gang,

    I respect ALL of your comments, obviously you don’t know all the story but I am grateful for your wise words.

    I must say I am impressed with the way you can turn the other cheek, something I am not too good at doing when confronted with JW thinking (unless an apology arrives of course).

    Live and let live seams the way !

    But by our constant care for mum I think we are helpng to prolong her life.

    We know left on her own, after her husband died, she defiantly would have died also.

    This goes against the JW’s thinking …….They want her to die BEFORE Armageddon, so that she can have a resurrection.

    She has a faith (Catholic) at 93 not going to change, plus her abhorrence of JW's


  • dobbie

    KT only you know the whole situation and your feelings on it all. All you need to do is make sure you are happy with whatever decision you make, so you feel fine with yourself. I think that whether we shun them back or not, it's something we each personally have to decide on, how much we've been affected by it all can determine that outcome. Personally now that i'm nearly 3 yrs old and happy about it if they spoke politely to me first, said hello in passing then i'd say hello back - but when it comes to hubbys step father who is a hideous person and his selfish mother they can get stuffed. You sound too nice to do it back to them tho, sometimes you can feel happy if you are bigger and better than them (even tho it's v hard sometimes!). Good luck with your situation x

  • WuzLovesDubs

    My brother in law who never was a JW, hates his mothers second husband who is a JW elder. HATES the man. And now that my mother in law is DAd, her JW kids, my husband and his sister, have decided to shun their own mother and have this little clique of gossipping going with the step dad elder against my mother in law...passing emails and text messages about her every move, and mocking her.

    Well... my non JW brother in law decided to SHUN his JW siblings to show them what it is like to lose a loved one to their rediculous practices. He went for two years without speaking to my husband and my husband was devastated by it. Very depressed....missed his brother sooooooo much. And even though my husband doesnt seek out his mother, he is at least kind to her when she is here, and so far he hasnt shunned me at all. So perhaps PERHAPS it is possible to teach the JWs a lesson when reverse shunning is applied.

  • fokyc

    KT I have sent Twinkletoes an email with the info re Disfellowshipping etc you require.


  • creativhoney

    Hi Kaytee - I can understand your reasoning - and theres a time to know when you are being taken advantage of, and you dont have to be around just because they say so and they have a get out clause entitled 'important family matters' seem they cover all angles eh? :) but remember - they are the one putting this into practice - a treatment which is wholly unchristian, unloving and cruel, so do not make yourself bitter by doing the same, - go for the good Karma, shunning them will only make you bitter, and at least you can always stand up and know that at least you behaved in a fitting way xx

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