Did Adam & Eve have bellybuttons?

by Colton 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Do men have less ribs than women?

  • LuckyNun

    I remember that picture! And I remember my mom telling me this like it was a little known scientific fact! I think it would be funny to put together a JW trivia booklet from all the crap-hypotheses and JW-urban legend bs that was treated as absolute certainty (not even getting into the tenets of the religion). What would be a good title?

  • SacrificialLoon

    I remember out in field service once someone in the car asked me this very question. O_o

  • Outaservice

    My uncle had a picture of Eve in one of his magazines and I believe she had a belly button!


  • crapola

    I think they did. I don't know why I think they did though.. I'm in a funny mood tonight.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Since I believe that the Genesis account, including the Garden of Eden, is allegorical, then I also believe that Adam and Eve's bellybuttons were similarly allegorical....

    Sorry, I know that registers on the "smart ass" meter.

  • villabolo

    Does anyone realize that this was actually discussed in the 19th century by creationists? A book entitled Oomphalos (navel) argued that just as God gave Adam and Eve bellybuttons he also created fossils merely to give the appearance of age even though it was newly created.

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    I had a girl friend in high school , who didn't have a belly button. Surgery as a newborn for a hernia left her button less and no scar. This has nothing to do with the thread , sorry.

    I have read what villabolo wrote in creation science books, but they weren't old books.I have friends who believe the earth was created to look old.


  • LouBelle

    If they did exist - yes I believe they would have had belly buttons - though they were created. Simply because god would have seen to it. End of story. Now let's discuss if snakes had legs....

  • AgentSmith

    Yes they did, but I am not sure of what importance it could be. Adam and Eve I think represents creation in general. If there was a man called Adam, or if the story means 'man' (Population = Lots & Lots) open to discussion too.

    Why do men have nipples?

    Now I have to go back a few years but It was once explained to me as follows:

    When we are concieved we get issued with EVERYTHING! As we develop the x and Y chromosone starts to influence development, not sure at what stage but not immidiately anyways. When the foetus is ready for the sex to be decided, the nipples get no plumbing on the boys, but the girls do. Sexual organs the same, boys and girls have the same equipment at first.. hormones etc influence who gets what.... sounds weird even now.

    Can someone verify that?

    Agent Smith

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