I've been thinking about starting smoking. Should I ....

by Quirky1 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Still trying to figure out why I ever started. Must have just been a dumbass.

    My SIL sent me some weed......that's the way to go.

  • Priest73
    My SIL sent me some weed......that's the way to go.

    I have a weed whacker.

  • Amazing

    Go for it ... and smoke a cigar for me while you are at it ... ... just kidding. It is bad for you, and you are wise not to smoke. Heart disease is real, is caused by smoking, and is painful as hell when you have a heart attack ... I know ... been there ... done that.

  • dinah

    But Padre! I didn't bitch for 5 hours!

    It was a record or something. And Mr. Dinah put on some Pink Floyd, I think I left this world for a little while. Kinda sucked to come back.

    I have seriously got to quit smoking. Seriously.

  • WTWizard

    You need to thoroughly weigh all the costs against the benefits. The costs are many--your health, money, cleaning up after the smoke, the nuisance of everywhere in public being "No Smoking", the physical addiction. You can research online to find more specific costs about what happens to your lungs and arteries when you start smoking.

    On the other hand, it would be better than going back to the Kingdumb Hell. There, your whole life is wasted on something that is even worse than smoking for your health. There, all your money goes into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And, you will be a nuisance everywhere with those wastes of paper and the Kingdumb message.

  • rebel8
    AND it isn't addicting because it doesn't contain all the chemicals that traditional cigs do

    The addictive agent in tobacco (nicotine) is natural, not an additive. Look up the botanical name of the tobacco plant.

    There is no evidence that hookah etc. does not contain additives. All you have is the word of a multi-billion-dollar industry known for fraud, conspiracy, and lies, with a strong profit motive to keep right on lying.

  • truthlover

    Well other than health issues popping up -- asthma, bronchitis, heart, lung cancer and on and on, its expensive

    Here in Canada cigs are $11.00 per pkg --- not carton! Think of how many packs a day x 7days a week x 4 weeks per month x 12 months per year and see what you could buy with that - new video, audio, new clothes, man dont be silly

    Dont give the cig companies your hard earned dollars

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