Long term effects of Armageddon images

by Lady Lee 53 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Someone I know is having a hard time with anxiety attacks. She hasn't been a JW since a teen. Recently she has started seeing a therapist. One concern she has is that she has become a hoarder. She has months of food and water supplies stored in her home. She says she doesn't understand where this need to hoard comes from. And she doesn't see this might come from those continual images of destruction at Armageddon.

    Any thoughts I can share with her? Anyone else experienced this or something similar?

  • Tea drinker
    Tea drinker

    Yes. I posted a comment earlier on the thread "Are you still a victim of mind control?"

    "Yes I would say so.

    I was brought up as a witness but now I think it's all a load of rubbish. I still consider myself a Christian and have recently begun attending church services (although I am still trying to fade slowly). I was always horrified by the pictures of Armageddon in the publications and felt distraught about the prospect of all those poor people dying horrible deaths just because they did not respond to some crappy 5 minute presentation (even though I thought I would be saved). I would often wake up at night in panic or would suffer moments of panic as the images crossed my mind.

    I still get this now; I still panic and think is this really going to happen to those I care about? Have I left "the truth"? I think I have been scarred by these images since I was a small child and I still carry a lot of baggage but when I get these moments I pray, think through all the WT falsehoods and re-read sections of CoC...this usually does the trick.

    I will post my story some time and just to let you know: this forum has helped me immensely these past few months. Thank you all."

    To be honest I think the people who paint these pictures at Bethel have to be pretty sick. I find it difficult to look at them even now and to come across one sets my heart pounding with anxiety. How anyone could sit and paint them over many hours and still stay loyal to the WT and actually look forward to Armageddon is utterly beyond my comprehension.

  • minimus

    Sorry, but I was raised a JW and I never felt the compulsion to hoard food or supplies. I was taught that Jehovah would provide the essentials just like he did with the Israelites.

  • only me
    only me

    When I was a child I was very anxious about hoe I would take care of my chronically ill mother when the persecution started.

    This led to all kinds of obsessive thoughts about what the "bad" people could use to toture us, knitting needles, curling irons, kitchen utensils ect.

    I was a very lonely, impressionable child who read everything I got my hands on. The articles about the Nazis and Malawi caused a lot of problems for me.

    It wasn't until I left the Witnesses that I finally calmed down and lost a lot of the panic and anxiety.

    The pictures of Armageddon bothered me, but not as much as the descriptions of persecution did.

  • Robdar

    I never hoarded food until last year when the economy started tanking. I worried that if there was a run on the grocery stores, there might not be any food for a while, so I put back 3 months worth of water, food, pet supplies and medicine. IMO, it is better to be safe than sorry.

    I do not know if my JW background was responsible for this decision or if it just made good sense. I do know that when I was a child, I made a vow to myself that when the great tribulation started, I would not sit back and wait on Jehovah to save me. I figured Jehovah helped those who helped themselves and I had an escape route ready. I intended to save my mother, father, siblings and pets. I even learned how to shoot my father's rifle and use a slingshot. I learned how to identify wild food and berries.

    The illustrations of the great tribulation and armageddon gave me nightmares. I had dreams of having to cage babies and toddlers to keep the worldly people from eating them; of guarding the cages at night by firelight. These are not the sort of dreams I think an 8 year old should have....

    I still have dreams of armageddon but they have taken on a mystical ambience. In the dreams, I see the bright light of the prayers of the chosen rising up to meet the angel of God, I smell the soft aroma of their prayers, and I am tranquil on a preternaturally quiet night.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Tea Drinker it was your postonthat thread that reminded me of talking to that person and my talk with her

    interesting thougths only me and Robdar

    Robdar you are one of the few that has listened to those who tell us to have 3 months supplies - I have no idea where I would put them though

  • shamus100

    Toddlers and kids see these images. Lovely.

    Yes, it has a long-term effect. Especially if someone has a pre-disposition to certain psychological conditions. (this would be a good contributing factor)

  • Robdar

    Robdar you are one of the few that has listened to those who tell us to have 3 months supplies - I have no idea where I would put them though


    I wasn't aware that the public is being warned to have 3 month supplies. I was just following my survival instincts. If the public is being warned, I hope they listen.

  • Robdar


    Yes, it has a long-term effect. Especially if someone has a pre-disposition to certain psychological conditions.

    I believe seeing this sort of thing at a young age can lead to a pre-disposition to certain psychological conditions.

  • shamus100


    I agree with you 100 percent. It also adds to pre-existing conditions that one might have.

    Case by case - it would be impossible to get the data, but it's obviously not good for anyone.

    Would you want your child viewing such images? Go to all the meetings or that's how you will end up. That is the underlying message to each and every Jehovahs Witness.

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