Is Being A Snitch A Popular Activity In The Kingdub?

by Yizuman 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kahlua

    My dad snitched to the elders when I had been faded for several years. My boyfriend had moved in with me and dad told on me. He relayed the message that the elders wanted to talk to me. I refused and told him what I did was none of their business. The matter was dropped.

    My sister snitched on my cousin for being gay. She didn't go to his elders but to his brother who is an elder. The poor guy was apparently 'straightened' out and is trying to be a loyal dub again.

  • WTWizard

    In fact, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger urges people to snitch on each other. They call it a loyalty test if one of your best friends or relatives, even children, do something to get disfellowshipped and you are aware of it but the hounders are not. Will you show them "love", or that you love that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah, by blowing them in and getting them in trouble, or will you let them continue and possibly either become hardened in a [usually harmless] course of "sin" or lull others to pick up on it?

    Yes, if you are aware of someone that is doing something wrong (whether the "wrong" is actually harmful or not), you are supposed to blow them in. If you do not, you are condoning that "wrong", and could well be as guilty of the wrong as the original "wrong"doer.

  • mouthy

    But there were plenty of snitches. GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!!

    I was a snitcher.... Only to save their lives you understand !
    A Brother was smoking, I went to him first,( he didnt listen) took another brother
    ( he didnt listen) took it to the congregation,they D/F him .
    Years later after a throat cancer operation he came to thank me for getting him d/f
    He died a JW!!! I am so sorry folks. But they told my mind it was a loving thing to do
    Wish I had read 1Thess4:11......."mind your own buisness!!!!!

  • ninja

    my wife sung like a canary about me a few times........grrrrrrrrrr....thanks for reminding me......I'm away to put laxatives in her coffee

  • viva

    My father and brother have both snitched on me. I would say it is pretty common among "loyal" JWS.

  • Atpeaceatlast

    Yes, it happened too much in and out of the KH. The elders expected everyone to report on each other. They targeted me a lot when I started to hang out the fringe sisters/brothers, but I never did, not after I went through my own inquisition with the elders.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In my experience it wasn't easy knowing something that we were told should be reported.

    My mother told me she had been having an affair. Not the kind of this JWs were supposed to hide. I was married to an elder. I really struggled with how to feal with this. I didn't like being in that position.

    I talked to my husband and together we told her she had to go to her elders or he would. She did it herself.

    I felt sick about the whole thing.

    I suppose some are eager to tell the elders things they know. But I suspect many are like me; reluctant to do it themselves and encourage the person to go themselves.

  • purplesofa

    A sister and I were hiking after a Sunday meeting and about a mile into the trail, we run into a baptised sister(from a nearby congo) and a married bible study(that went to our hall), ALONE on the trail, together!!! I was leading the way and saw them first and said HEY, How ya doing? I did not know he was married, cuz I was thinking ...good for them!!!!

    The sister I was with reported it to an elder she knew from the other congo. And he wanted to talk to me, I simply told what I saw.

    It wound up being a real mess. The two sisters had bad words over the phone, the sister accused my friend of lying!!!

    The sister and the bible study worked together and they said that they were on that trail with other people from their work for an Office Picnic, we saw NO ONE else.

    Anyway, I really didn't care what they were doing there, it was none of my business.

    We were told the sister was a very good sister and not to think anything badly of it, that this sisters husband, who was a JW, left her and she had been through enough.

    The bible study was confronted and he got all pissed off and said he was going to sue for slander or something.

    This is the way I felt about stuff like that back then, Let Jehovah take care of it in his own way!!!!

    It was interesting though, to see the favoritism play out amongst the elders.

  • ziddina

    Hmmm. HaH! Yeah, I did 'snitch' on someone - my rotten, vicious, battering parents!! After eight years of 'loving' family bible studies in which my father hit, kicked, or insulted me (visualize an adult man kicking a little 7-year-old girl in the shins with his heavy work boots on!!), I caught Daddsie with pornographic magazines in the trunk of his car. Needless to say, the worm turned... I threatened them with going to the elders about it if they didn't. (By the way, as Daddsie had been mistreating me, Mommie Dearest had stood by him, telling ME that "your father really loves you!" Bleaaaah! )

    Another time they were having a terrible fight. I got dragged into it somehow or was afraid I'd get dragged into it (I remember being really scared!), so I called an elder who I knew really well and told him they were fighting and I needed help, quick! My parents realized what I was up to (I think I was 10 years old) and grabbed the phone and started lying to the elder - everything was all right, the kid was over-reacting, blah, blah, blah.

    The elder knew my parents well enough to realize something was up, so he came over and counseled them about anger, etc.

    In neither instance did my nasty parents receive anything other than some verbal 'counsel'... A few years later Daddsie ended up a Ministerial Servant... Geez, what hypocrites...

    In both cases I had a HEAVY motivation for revenge... If it had been anyone else, I really didn't give a damm... But these two had really mistreated me, and I let them have it!! Zid

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Regretfully, I have reported on JWs who I thought were "sinning" too. I didn't enjoy doing it, in fact I always felt bad about it. But the WT teaches that not reporting sin to the elders will cause the Holy Spirit to be removed from the entire congregation. Any who knew and didn't tell would be responsible for that. I reported on others because I was afraid not to.

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