How many anointed can there be?

by Lost-In-Translation 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lost-In-Translation

    I've been getting reports from paround the country that there have been multiple people, mostly young like in their 30s or 40s, who partook of the Memorial emblems. One person said that she saw 5 people in her congregation alone. In my congregation 2 people partook - both of them in their 40s. One of them stopped being a Witness for many years and just recently came back to the congregation.

    It seems like the partakers of the emblems will reach over 10,000 this year. Has anyone else heard of multiple partakers during this past Memorial? Do you think the Governing Body is worried? Is the latest Watchtower study on those who claim to be anointed enough to stop others from viewing them negatively, especially since many of the people partaking are young and have not been Jehovah's Witnesses for many years?

  • sir82

    I can easily imagine that the article explaining that, even though in the past "some brothers" thought the 144,000 was literal, it really is a symbolic number, has already been written.

    They're just waiting until the count hits some threshold - 15,000? 25,000? - before publishing it.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I know of at least one new partaker locally, in the same age group you reported.

  • Spook

    Yeah, they can't have it both ways.

    1. Either the annointed are fixed and declinig to some logical maximum age beyond which everything crumbles or...

    2. There are new annointed since nothing is hinged on time and the governing body may crumble...

    If anything will bring these idiots down it will be "new" anointed getting pissed off and thinking Jehovah is telling them to cause a rift in the organization. At some point the GB will have to tell someone who is a "young" anointed that vacancies in the GB should be filled by "other sheep" instead of them. Idiots. Then when we've had at least 144,000 "replacement" anointed the house of cards may actually collapse.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Either way the GB are screwed, the only thing that could save them is a time machine we could all go back to 1955 in....


  • ninja

    weren't there around 95,000 partakers in 1929?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    As long as the JWS are around there will always be the special anointed ones,

    To date there have probably been a million people over the years that have proclaimed this , so its an on going situation , something

    that the Masters of the JWS don't want to draw attention to this fact and have actually lied about this in their literature.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I can't believe that this is not waking more witnesses up. This number going up really just wrecks their whole premise, I don't see how they can shed a new light on this one. I have been a witness my entire life and am in my forties. I have only known 4 annointed people. They are all from my childhood and were very old then and have died. How can anyone still swallow this?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The numbers will never come to a halt, its the workings of the organization that will keep this number climbing.

    So as the numbers climb , so will the distortion by the GB that the the numbers are decreasing .

    The society has to maintain their legitimacy one way or another.

    The anointed numbers are in perpetual motion that has no sight in hand to ever cease.

    Some JWS have caught on to their lying and conniving and are starting see to the light.

  • read good books
    read good books

    If your losing your hair and you put hair oil on , can you call it the annointed remmnant.

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