press interview tomorrow, can DF be far behind?

by chickpea 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    as some may know,
    my youngest, now 15 YO,
    is a female to male
    transgender boy.....

    he has been active with
    GLSEN, a policy activist group
    for over a year now, attended
    leadership training conferences
    in boston and philly...

    this past march, he and i
    both were selected from
    over 600 applicants to
    attend the Safe Schools
    Advocacy Summit in D.C.

    we spent 3 days in traiining
    in order to be prepared to
    lobby with our state's legislators,
    culminating in 81 legislative visits
    on "lobby" day....

    the local paper is interviewing us
    at his school, and i am pretty certain
    the resulting article will be the death knell
    to what, heretofore, as been an uneventfuf fade....

    i am pretty sure publically declaring
    policy activism is enough, but whoooo
    weeeee baby, throw in a fully affirmed
    and supported transboy....

    well, those dots pretty much connect themselves!!

    since i refuse to acquiesce to b0rg control
    in terms of a DA, seems i will join the ranks
    of DFs.....

    wish me luck, peeps.....

    ETA: my son was one of 3 students selected
    to meet with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
    while we were in washington... i cannot tell you
    how proud i am of all he is doing to make schools
    safer for every student....

  • LockedChaos

    Good for you!!

    It is difficult to not

    be intimidated by the

    narrow viewpoints of

    many in authority

    You and your child both

    deserve a lot of credit

    for standing up and being counted

    With Respect.....................

  • Quirky1

    Hope all goes well ffor you both..

  • AllTimeJeff

    I had no idea! It does me good to read of your support for you transgendered child! Kudo's to you. While you are probably right that if read, your fade will be over, that in itself will be a statement to those who know about it.

    Your son is so fortuante. My best wishes to your family....

  • lurk3r

    acquiesce - I love that word.

    I think that you say in your thread is spot on, you little "prophetess" you.

    I would gather that since there have been many things that you have had to address and subsequently "fight", with regards to public syniscim and the like; has made you strong. Being labeled "df'd" now, could well be just another day for ya.


  • jws

    In what should be a positive story about how your child is being helped so that he can avoid persecution (though unfortunate that he has to), the JWs are going to show no mercy and show just how unloving they are.

  • Dagney

    What a courageous situation for you and your boy. Wow!

    Kudos to you and I wish you strength for the journey.

  • outofservice

    It is so wonderful that your son has a caring understanding mother. So many in this situation have no family support. Love him and thumb your nose at the Borg. Our children are what is most important.

  • jamiebowers

    Like so many on the boards, my jw mom ignored the sexual molestation that I endured as a child and later, the physical abuse I suffered from my jw husband. Because I refused to continue being a victim, my mother has shunned me for 21 years. The stand you are taking for your child gives me, and people like me, hope for parents who are still slaves to the evil Watchtower cult. If you are disfellowshipped, proudly wear that title, because right above it is "good mother".

  • Scott77

    Congraculation for this outstanding achievement on the part of your child. In fact, you have nothing to loss from enslavement and grip from this infamous WTBS. To hell with the WTS. I think its a modern 'German Nazi" that masquerades in the name of god and religion. What a tragedy and inhumanity!

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