JW Board Game?

by veen 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    I seem to remember some game with trivia type questions. It thought it had some sort of board similar to monopoly, but it's been over 3 decades since I've seen/played one, so my memory is real fuzzy. The shekels and swords one doesn't ring a bell though.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Go directly to the District Convention. Do not go out to lunch.
    Do not remove your lapel badge.

    Take a ride with the pioneers on the Short Line. Do not contribute for gas.
    Listen to "theocratic" music only.

    Release a few days worth of guilt as you pass through the Kingdom Hall for 2 hours.

  • veen

    I'm not sure if the game was called generosity? I've done some searches and the name rings a bell.

  • cabasilas

    Yeah...there was a JW game called Generosity. I may still have it around here somewhere.

  • WTWizard

    I can remember a trivia game about the Washtowel. You would be asked a question on the card, and the official answer would be on that card. There is no point system, but you could gain or lose control if you stump someone or answer the question correctly. It has to be the most pointless "game" I have ever seen.

    Unless, that is, someone could get a vintage 1985 version and a current version of the same game. Mix the cards so you have the same questions with two different sets of answers. Someone gets the right answer once, and then the same question comes up again. This time, it is the other version, and they are going to get the answer "wrong" if they repeat the same answer. That ought to bring up a few questions about the stability of the organization when their own Bible (which they claim to cater to) tells them that God never changes.

  • Hittman

    I recall one parent who took The Game Of Life, covered every square of the board with hand lettered JW nonsense, and called it The Game of Theocratic Life. The original was lame enough.

    I showed it to my friend and he thought it was funny but the game was unplayable.

    That's because every few years the rules changed.

  • Amazing


    Imagine a MONOPOLY (on God) style game for Jehovah's Witnesses with cards like: CHANCE: You have been caught by the elders spreading apostasy. Go to the backroom. Do not pass GO. Do not collect time.CHANCE: Take a ride in a four door car to PARADISE STREET! If owned, keep your filthy propaganda literature to yourself!TREASURE CHEST: The Governing Body wants you to visit BETHEL! Collect respect from the congregation! TREASURE CHEST: Partake in the emblems! You have been ANOINTED!

    Love it ... I was thinking about something similar as I clicked onto the thread ... I imagined the playing pieces going around the board like going door-to-door ... calling on a demonized house, stopping at the Kingdom hall toturn int time, and collect literature ... and then saw your post. Very good! In a funny way ... being a JW shares some things with a game board ... one never knows what will happen next ... just like throwing the dice.

  • shamus100

    I remember playing a board game many many many years ago - Im pretty sure it was not Generosity, though.

    What I can remember was how stupid it was. The name? I'll have to try to remember. I only played it once, and it must have been so traumatizing that it got erased from my memory.

  • Colton

    CHANCE: A smurf stole your Watchtower magazines! Go back three spaces!

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    When I was young we had a board (bored?) game called Tree of Knowledge. As I recall, the rumor was it was made by a JW...

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