All of this...................BY CHANCE?

by Warlock 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    Don't let the hate you have for a religious organization block the possibility of a creator for all these things.


  • drwtsn32
    Generally speaking, except for the earth and the animals on it, everything else has been designed and created by man.

    lol...really? So everything except man-made stuff is not man-made?

    Why is it so hard to believe that the earth and the universe, which are much more complex and mind boggling, just came about by chance?

    I don't think you ended that sentence the way you intended.

    The fact is: we are here. It is also worth noting that the universe is an amazing place. But that in itself is not proof of a creator. It is logically invalid to argue that because the universe is so amazing it demands a creator, because you then have that same issue with the creator. You only pushed the problem out one step further. And it is using special pleading to say the creator magically is immune to the "so complex it requires a creator" rule that you proposed.

    As others have pointed out, evolution is hardly left up to chance. Natural selection is the exact opposite of random chance.

  • Warlock

    I'm sorry the Watchtower knocked the commonsense out of you.


  • villabolo

    "I'm sorry the Watchtower knocked the commonsense out of you."

    Commonsense gave us flat earths.

  • mkr32208

    Why the anger? Are you freakin serious? Idiocy like this is parroted again and again in pure idiotic defiance of any logical standard or intelligence and you wonder why we're pissed off!?

  • drwtsn32

    Impressive reply, Warlock.

  • MissingLink

    And all those lovely impressive stars are eventually exploding. And those lovely big galaxies crash into each other. Not exactly a very good "design". Yes, it looks very much like chance.

    If you were designing a solar system - would you put objects into orbits that would make them eventually collide? If there is a god - he's a demented child.

  • Warlock
    Why the anger? Are you freakin serious? Idiocy like this is parroted again and again in pure idiotic defiance of any logical standard or intelligence and you wonder why we're pissed off!?

    First of all, I'm not angry.

    Secondly, I don't wonder why you are pissed off.

    I know why, but do YOU know why.


  • shamus100

    I really wish there was something after this life.

    But I can use my common-sense like a big boy - and not be afraid of pissing off some god like the god in the bible (ever read about the boys calling the man "baldhead" and were all killed by a she-bear"?) - and living my life without reliance on alcohol or drugs - and trying to be the best person I can while understanding that what awaits me, in all probability - is NOTHING.

    It's been nice being a part of this great world. And if god wants me to go grovelling to him, he can forget it.

    He can run the universe pretty well, but he's done a really shitty job down here, that's for sure.

  • ziddina

    What??? No pix of Alcyone??? Jehovah [who's only been in existence (- i.e., recorded in any human writings) for less than 3,500 years - that is, if you count the 'YHWH' as being pronounced that way...] is gonna be pissed!!!

    Christians make me laugh. Christianity has only been in existence for 2,000 years; the bible has only been in existence for approximately 3,500 years, .... BUUUUUT!!!

    Goddess worship has been in existence for at least 20,000 years!! That's ten times the age of Christianity!!

    But WaiT! I'm not thru yet!!

    Going back even farther in human history, the animistic/shamanistic religion(s) of the Australian Aborigines have been in existence for 40,000 to 100,000 years!!!

    So, if you're gonna believe in some deity over this planet, it should properly be worshipped via the oldest form of worship, not some Middle Eastern Johnny-come-lately regional deity...!!!

    I always laugh at the fact that, since humans have to make things by hand, they think that everything else has to be "stick-built", too! In fact, if you really look at the human process of 'creation', you'll actually realize that human creations are locked into an underlying system that is evolutionary in its basis!!

    Think I'm wrong??? LOok at the first computers, then compare them to your cell phone!! If creationism was the underlying principle of the universe, then the 'complex' forms would have been directly created - not evolved over time via a long process of trial and error!!

    'Nuff said... In other words, what Mastodon and mkr32208 said... Zid

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