May 15th WT- " Wife's Dedication to Jehovah more Important than Marriage "

by flipper 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • babel on
    babel on

    the three cords are God you and your mate! it has nothing to do with the elders!

  • winstonchurchill

    Marriage is a vow, and Baptism is a vow... Why does the WTS feel entitled to tell ME or MY WIFE or anybody what comes first?

    Life is full of choices... Carrer, Spouse, Family, Kids, Marriage, Divorce, You name it! It's YOUR call, it's YOUR LIFE. If someone at some point feels that religious afilliation comes first, good for him (her)! With God it is FREEDOM OF CHOICE since day one (Adam & Eve, anyone?)

    I for one, will pick my kids over ANYTHING. They come first, second and third. I'm a JW, a serving elder, was a CO, but the minute ANYTHING interferes with my kids well being, it's over.

    Jesus did say he who chooses family over me...yada, yada. BUT THAT WAS JESUS talking not some bunch of old farts in a Brooklyn Office.

  • babel on
    babel on

    .............But notice that as a wts follower you are required to take a vow before baptisim.......and if you pay close attention to this vow you are being baptised into the wts. I don't know the exact formula but it goes something like you understand that your vow is to jehovah, his son and the spirit directed organization........notice the Holy spirit is replaced by the organization.....the organization replaces jesus as mediator........and everything they say is as if it were Jehovah vow to serve them. This is always followed up by an energetic Yes!!! My father served as an elder when I was younger and he just recently told me a story of an elders meeting that he attended after a convention. The speaker held up a black bible and asked all the elders what color it was they all said black. ....but then the speaker said If mother (the organization)says its yellow....its yellow. everyone started clapping and my father said he never felt as uncomfortable as he did right then. The point is this, no other religion that i am aware of uses such a formula for baptisim. I am close to getting rebaptized at the Baptist Church because I feel my last baptisim was unholy in nature and did not cleanse nor did it make me a new creature in books to study this time just one question to you belive that jesus is the son of god that he died for your sins and mine was raised on the third day and have you accepted him as your personal savior......YES YES YES! I attended one of the baptisims and as each person is dunked the person baptising says in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit....all one name (not names plurall) Jesus the same name we pray in...I pity those that swear allegiance to that group of men.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    Perhaps one point for consideration is that the people who run this show are for the most part UNMARRIED and in many cases have never even had sex.

    Now I'm not denegrating this position, it's their choice and I'm sure we're all aware that Jesus was in the same boat , but he was a perfectly balanced individual.

    If the the Governing body were a parent or a surrogate looking to adopt they would have their record of treatment to those in their care examined and in the first case have their "children" taken into care and in the second instance be laughed out of town if they tried to adopt.

    Look at their record.

    Scream/ don't scream if you're being raped or you could/couldn't be DF'd

    You find your husband in bed with another man or an animal you couldn't/ could eventually get a divorce.

    You cannot do certain things in bed with your spouse.

    You would be wrong to have children at certain armageddon "high alert" times such as the 70's.

    You must only date " with a view to marriage" resulting in loads of young people getting married too young and to the wrong person and wrecking their lives.

    The fairly recent change where young witnesses who are not baptised but dating other dubs, also not baptised ,being told they are both not "in the Lord" and therefore both must get baptised. This "locks them in" to the org. Very cynical.

    These are only the ones I can think of from the top of my head, but does it show:-

    A. They know what they're talking about?

    B. They have the persons interests as their first priority?

    Answer...they don't have the first clue what they're doing and as Password said it's more about serving the interests of the organisation.

    A dozen mostly unmarried guys on the board of a publishing company with an appalling track record ,dishing out advice to me and my wife?

    You can stick your secret to Family Happiness book up your tightly clenched butt.


  • oompa

    omg...i am flucked........oompa

    and thanks for the reminder flips

  • VM44

    Dedication to an ancient imaginary Storm God is more important than one's marriage devotion?

  • flipper

    Wow ! Did this thread take off or what ? thanks for all your very interesting responses ! I'll reply. Been working a lot sorry for delayed response.

    HUBERT- Very true. The WT society is scraping the bottom of the barrel for writers. But unfortunately they still know how to " control minds ".

    MATTIEU- I think this principle has been applied by JW's for a long time. Just not brought out so blatantly and directly in writing.

    HOMEROVAH- Exactly how you see this - I see it as well. Our minds must be cloned. It is a bold out and out statement at manipulation and mind control over women which makes them be more faithful to the WT organization than their husbands. The WT society definitely splits up marriages.

    OBSERVADOR- I realize the WT society has said this in talks from the platform for years. But you didn't see it in writing very often, if at all in the blatant form it is in this magazine. And yes, the WT society are experts at double speak.

    KUDRA- I'm glad you never married a dub either ! Glad you are smart !

    SSPO- Well my friend I'm sorry you suffered for 26 years with a witness wife. I was with one for 19 years. I found they actually stop loving us once we doubt the WT society. I hope things are doing better for you now friend.

    BABEL ON- Exactly. Only 8 year olds would believe this stuff !

    CARLA- I'm sure you have found this out as as well my friend. I feel for you.

    PASSWORD PROTECTED - I agree with you. I think the WT society is giving out this info to warn women to be more submissive and loyal to the organization instead of their husbands. They definitely are trying to conquer and divide marriage partners.

    WHEREAMI- Let's just hope your JW wife kind of skips over this article. It's not a study article for the WT study - so maybe she won't read it. I'm sorry your marriage is having a hard time. Hang in there.

    ELSEWHERE- I agree with Password Protected - it's easier for a JW wife to leave her doubting JW husband. I think the WT society actually promotes it.

    UNDERCOVER- I agree with you - I've never seen it put so blatantly like this for wives to be more dedicated to Jehovah than their marriage vows ! It's very controlling information.

    ST. ANN- So your JW mother brought this up to your non-witness dad ? Wow. I too feel the WT society is manipulating women to be in subjection mainly to them instead of their husbands. It's just a total putdown of women. Manipulative.

    WT WIZARD- They are filthy , disgraceful slavebuggers, aren't they ?

    LADY LEE- Hopefully someone can scan this article . It would help someone who has with a JW mate.

    BLONDIE- I could see where it would be a protection from an abusive father , either non-JW or JW. I'm sure you had an extremely difficult challenge.

    MINIMUS- Agreed. This has been said before by the WT society - just not so blatantly.

    YOUR MOMMA- Exactly, you are right. If a man leaves his witness wife and becomes apostate - the elders will just assume the man becoming apostate will committ adultery and free his JW wife to remarry. They won't worry about whether the witness woman is actually " scrpiturally " free or not- they'll just assume she is.

    NELLIE- Wow ! is exactly right . I agree .

    SEEKING HELP- Yes. The witnesses are definitely a mind control cult.

    OUTLAW- Pretty wild isn't it ? JW's wifes being their " sisters " too. Sounds kinda creepy. The witnesses are more messed up than we thought ! LOL !

    QUIRKY- Very true. The WT society does want to tighten the " grip on control " even if it breaks up marriages. They are more concerned with retaining members than saving marriages.

    MOUTHY- Those elders were jerks to tell you to stay with an abusive husband ! It's disgusting.

    SKEETER 1 - That is amazing that even your witness sister sees that witness men are messed up ! And that something is wrong with the organization.

    ALIGOT RIPOUNOUS- So I guess from your comments the WT society are not promoting peace because they break families up . I agree. The WT society just wants to bring divisions into the congregations.

    NO MORE KOOL AID- I agree with you. I could never understand married witness couples who ratted each other out to the elders all the time. The 3 fold cord in the marriage was not Jehovah, the man, and the woman - it was really the elders, the man, and the woman. It was sick. The WT society truly does want to conquer and divide !

    BABEL ON- You might THINK the 3 cords are Jehovah, you and your mate. That's what the WT society WANTS you to think. But it's really the elders, you and your mate . But remember the WT society says the elders represent God and are appointed ( alegedlly ) by holy spirit - so essentially they ARE God in the witnesses minds.

    WINSTON CHURCHILL - Welcome to the board ! Nice to have a lurking elder here ! I hope you get some comfort here my friend. I agree with everything you said. It IS NOT the right of the WT society to dictate and be so intrusive into the personal relationships of a man and wife - and be so controlling. This is cult mind control at it's worst. If the WT society can break down and divide families - they've won half the battle they feel - so I commend you on your strong attitude against them splitting up your family ! Hang in there , keep protecting your family against the WT society ! It seems, although you are an elder - you see what the organization is up to ! Good to have you here. I hope some day you can exit the witness cult and find total freedom.

    HOBO KEN- As you mentioned- the WT societies policies on marriage have been so screwed up for so long - it's a wonder ANY people are married in the cult ! They are all mind controlled.

    OOMPA- You are welcome for the reminders - and yes, I'd say you are pretty much screwed if your JW wife takes this information seriously. Let's hope she doesn't see this article since it's not a study article ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up in case some had not had the chance to see it or comment. All thoughts welcome ! Thanks ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Amazing


    Excellent! ... The more I think I have read it all, the more the WTS publishes more crap. Gawd! The part you quote comes across eerily similar to what Fred Franz wrote in the "Life Everalsting" book about Adam contemplating all the animals to find a suitable mate, before God brought Eve to him. Mmmmm ... let's see ... was Adam feeling something for a sheep or a gorilla?

  • flipper

    VM 44- It is crazy, isn't it ? Yes in the JW's eyes their dedication to their God is more important than their marriage vows.

    AMAZING- It is eerie indeed how the WT society minimizes human relationships , spouses, children, friends and turns people into robots. Interesting point you make about the Franz comment. Perhaps they'd prefer their members to marry sheep ! They are always calling each other sheep anyway ! Why not ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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