What was your necktie collection like?

by JimmyPage 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I knew one MS who was counseled for his golf tie because it was "glorifying recreation". Soon after I gave an elder a hard time because he was wearing a tie that "glorified sailboats". It was always my opinion that their own stupidity should come back to haunt them some day.


  • undercover

    I had quite the collection of ties.

    Some were typical conservative power ties. I usually saved them for talks.

    But I started wearing colorful ties as a rebellion against having to wear ties at all. I wore sport logo ties (got counseled). I wore theme ties (golf, tabasco sauce, Bugs Bunny - got counseled).

    Then Jerry Garcia released his line of neckties with his art as the design. I bought them up and wore them. I got a lot of comments but never counseled until one elder saw the name "Garcia" on the back and asked me about it. Up til then, they were okay...colorful and fun...but okay. But when the connection was made to a member of a rock band, the Grateful Dead no less, it suddenly wasn't okay. Forget that Garcia was playing acoustic and bluegrass as much as was touring with the Dead, "a Christian would not support such an artist by purchasing their goods, blah, blah, blah..."

  • rebel8

    FF--I love that first tie!

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