Why exactly, DO the JWs continue to beat on doors? What is the POINT?

by WuzLovesDubs 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well door to door in Los Angeles is basically an exercise of door knocking and staring. Yes staring. Staring at the door that never opens. Over and Over again

  • reniaa

    arhhh this isn't a question about preaching but one on the fact it has become ineffective but that too is foretold..

    Matthew 22:14
    "For many are invited, but few are chosen."

    the fact is the bible only predicts the preaching work but it also shows the 'love of the greater' cools off.


    Jesus spoke in public and in small groups.....Door to door ministry is a WBT$ Invention...........It doesn`t work..Thats probably why Jesus never did it.......................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    arhhh this isn't a question about preaching but one on the fact it has become ineffective but that too is foretold..

    No, it's about the effectiveness of the door to door preaching, versus other forms. Jesus talked about preaching, not the door-to-door ministry. JWs are the ones who make that distinction.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "arhhh this isn't a question about preaching but one on the fact it has become ineffective but that too is foretold..

    Matthew 22:14
    "For many are invited, but few are chosen."

    the fact is the bible only predicts the preaching work but it also shows the 'love of the greater' cools off."

    OK that is one of the biggest stretches of scripture I have ever seen. There is no way in the world, anyone would have read that scripture and made the same conclusion.

    I think Reniaa is either a completly socially shunned JW hoping for some attention, or just a con having fun getting everyone upset on this board.

    Door to doo advertising was a successful form of selling and advertising up until about 30 years ago. Even with a much more palatible product the girl scouts hardly knock on doors anymore.

  • reniaa

    ok I'll bite what are the more effective alternatives and are they biblical?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    look at the world around u and u can see what forms of effective advertising are in use. Hint, the screen u are staring at is one of them. As to whether they are biblical or not, that's up to u to spin.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    ok I'll bite what are the more effective alternatives and are they biblical?

    Is going uninvited to peoples' homes the most effective way to get the message out? Can you prove with scripture that this is what Jesus and the apostles did, or that the "good news" preached by JWs is the same as that of Jesus and the apostles? I think the point was to tell others about Jesus. The method wasn't important. Do JWs preach about Christ's sacrifice and what it means for mankind, or do they preach that salvation is only obtained through works, and submission to a human organization that has set itself up in the place of Christ? Is that biblical?

  • ziddina

    AaAuuugh! WTWizard, I got the rest of them, but what's s**mming?? Swimming? Slamming?? Spamming?? Slumming?? Auough! My head hurts!

    garybuss, "The Witnesses have sort of lost a purpose. Credibility is at zero. The door to door distribution is ineffective"...

    Thank goodness!!

    TheBerean: "In my opinion it is because in some twisted way constant rejection proves to JWs that they are on that "narrow road leading to life"...

    Yup! That's the big mistake the FBI and ATF made at Waco - didn't know enough about cults to realize that persecution just makes them stronger. I watched that go down, knowing about the JWs informed me of the inevitable result of the authoritarian, military approach to the situation. I've often wondered what would have worked??? Send 'em cookies and flowers?? Maybe a mole....

    "Jesus spoke in public and in small groups.....Door to door ministry is a WBT$ Invention...........It doesn`t work..Thats probably why Jesus never did it.." GOOD ONE, OUTLAW!!

    "No, it's about the effectiveness of the door to door preaching, versus other forms. Jesus talked about preaching, not the door-to-door ministry. JWs are the ones who make that distinction." Well said, keyser soze!

    (Geez, this post looks like I spilled my paint box) Zid

  • neverendingjourney

    This is a very clever way for JWs to point to themselves as the one and only true followers of Christ. They ignore the overall command to preach and instead focus on the how of the preaching work as if that's the most important part. It's not.

    The overall command from Jesus is this one:

    " Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU . And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” Matthew 28:19-20.

    Witnesses disregard that most Christian denominations seek to fulfill this commandment in various ways. They instead focus on the fact that they go door to door as some sort of identifying mark, but Jesus never identified the particular method of preaching as having any importance. For instance, this is the instruction he gave his disciples upon sending them out to preach:

    "As YOU go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’ Cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel demons. Y OU received free, give free.Do not procure gold or silver or copper for YOUR girdle purses,or a food pouch for the trip, or two undergarments, or sandals or a staff; for the worker deserves his food. Into whatever city or village YOU enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until YOU leave." Matthew 10:7-11.

    The instruction includes a lot of other things besides going to door to door. Jesus never said that those individuals going from house to house would be his true disciples. He never implied that his method of preaching should be meticulously followed hundreds of years into the future. His command was to preach the good news. He was not dogmatic about the method to be used in accomplishing that task. JWs conveniently set up a test that only they meet in order to "prove" the legitimacy of their faith, but there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that one particular method of preaching the good news serves as an identifying feature of true Christians.

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