If A JW Doesn't Know You No Longer Attend Do You Tell Them?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Every once in a while I see some JWs that live far away and they may come by for business or just to say hello, at my work. If they don't know that I've stopped going, I don't bring it up.

    Do you feel the need to tell JWs you haven't seen in a long time that you no longer go to meetings or believe?

  • mrsjones5

    Usually my little cross earring tips them off

  • loosie

    I have a don't ask don't tell policy with my far away friends.

  • minimus

    If you don't have cross earrings??

  • sspo

    No reason to tell them unless they bring up anything about meetings or the borg.

    I usually tell them i don't beleive in the bible anymore, by doing so and not being viewed as an apostate it allows me to

    expand and talk about what i found out about the watchtower.

  • Quirky1

    Yeah, I have a JW freind that calls from time to time. Shortly after my departure he called and I informed him of the situation and he still calls.

  • passwordprotected

    I don't tell them. I got a phone call on Thursday evening from a brother in a south Glasgow congregation asking me how many in my [former] congregation were getting baptised at the weekend. Ironically, my wife and I were getting baptised at our church. I could have said, "two; my wife and me". But I didn't.

    I just gave him the phone number of the CC (PO).

  • mrsjones5

    If they come to my house, the stonelike cross in the corner is a good clue too. But seriously, the only person I came out to lately was my dear cousin (yep a jw) who I'm glad to say is a very liberal jw. But that could be because I never got dipped in the ranks of the bOrg.

  • minimus

    "The only person I came out to"....sounds like we're in the closet, huh?

  • undercover

    It's apparent by my looks that I don't attend meetings...

    It's amusing to see the reaction of someone I haven't seen in a while when they recognize who I am. You can see the confusion and sometimes a little tightening of the lips or narrowing of the eyes. That's when you can expect a little judgementalism, when the eyes narrow.

    But to answer your question, I don't bring it up it all, nor would I if it wasn't apparent right off.

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