by african GB Member 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    For me, your question is a classic chicken/egg query.

    It has been my experience for over fifty years that the org doesn't convert humble individuals into arrogant nay-sayers ... rather, I believe the program ATTRACKS those for whom the idea of superiority over others amounts to a high.

    These holier-than-thou folks would have been the same if they had joined the PTA, the Lions Club, or a neighborhood civic association. The JW Org is easy pickens for wanna-bees because a cult does not care what your motive for participation is, all they require is complete allegiance to the concept. I may be a little different here but I don't blame the RANK at headquarters who are paid well to operate the cartel , as much as the FILE in the KHs, who are willing to sell out in order to obtain their fix.

  • donny

    I believe the program ATTRACTS those for whom the idea of superiority over others amounts to a high.

    I think this is true for many. I remember my ex-wifes grandfather died, many Catholic relatives showed up at the talk given by an elder from his congregation. After the talk was over, my brother-in-law said "I guess that should show those dumb Catholics how smart those of us in the truth are."


  • parakeet

    Can anyone tell us what's behind their arrogance?

    Braindead certainty that they are God's "chosen" people.

    What gives the GB so much power to deceive so many people?

    Braindead certainty that a sucker is born every minute.

    Sometimes I just wonder if maybe JW ORG is the TRUTH, perhaps I should just swallow my pride and go to the ELDERS and ask them to pray for me and get Jehovah's forgiveness and undeserved kindness.....Am I being naive or what?

    Yes, you're being naive and braindead if you think a few undereducated, braindead men can supply you with answers to the riddle of life.

    Please help me!!!!

    Fan the spark of your functioning brain cells, wake up, and live.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member


    I am asking with intention to find out more about this ORG from those with more experience than me,...


    Thanx for your contribution

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