I need help with a gift idea for my hubby

by Nellie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Make him and yourself a nice meal and when your about to serve it at the table go into the bedroom and dress in some sexy

    lingerie and sit with him at the table dressed like that, men like and appreciate something different out of the norm, it takes their mind off things

    that may be bothering them at the time.

    And then after dinner let your imagination carry you where it may........Happy Anniversary .... HTA

  • sir82

    Coupons for his future use - things you will do for him when he wants it. One for his favorite dinner, one for a massage, one for a backrub, one for a...well....use your imagination.

  • Nellie

    LOL - Other than LouBelle - all of your ideas are pretty funny! I remember back when I used to do all of that kind of crazy stuff. Now here comes the part where I sound older than dirt! I should mention that we still have 3 kids at home (the 4th is away at college) . . . so Saran Wrap or lingerie in the kitchen doesn't work for us right now. Funny story, for valentine's day (before the stress had gotten to us) he bought chocolate covered strawberries and champagne into our bedroom for a little private picnic. The next day my sister called from out of state and my daughter overheard me telling her what he had gotten and that we had our own little "private party." My daughter's head whipped around, appalled and said, "Without me?" I almost wet myself with laughter! I looked at her, gasping for air and said, "If we'd invited you, we'd been arrested!" Good thing she had no idea what I meant!

  • ex-nj-jw


    That's what baby sitters are for You gotta keep that spark no matter how old you are. Before my kids were all out of the house we would kick them out at least twice a month for some "private time". As they got older and were able to drive we would tell them not to come home before a certain time, LOL.

    Once my middle son called around 11pm and asked "can I come home now"? Enjoy your anniversary


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Go to the movies.

    Go hiking.

    Go to a museum.

    Go to the zoo.

    Any of these are quite affordable and most people enjoy them.

  • Nellie

    LOL - Don't get me wrong . . . I may not be able to account for all of the action that my 1st floor gets (hey I do have teenagers after all), but the master bedroom is "fully equipped, completely outfitted, for every good work." (Wow, I can't remember how that scripture goes exactly!)

    Time is ticking . . . .

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