How could any of us here ever actually believe it again????

by oompa 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I have two df'd gay....and they are BOTH going back to meetings to be reinstated. One has a serious drinking problem and he feels the jw life with friends and family again will help him with the drinking (i would drink even more!)....he has some doubts, but believes a lot of it.

    the gay friend you would think is full of holy spirit!....I thought from prior discussions she thought it was all BS....but nope, he has just always felt he was an evil sinner and wants a better relationship with god and to be with family....PROVEN it to their self that it is full of lies? Could anyone ever do that mentally? Does anyone know if this has ever happened?............................oompa

  • drwtsn32

    IMO if someone goes back, they never truly broke away (mentally) in the first place.

    Or they are simply going back for some of the benefits (association with friends, family) and do not truly believe the JW dogma.

  • Robert7

    Sometimes the comfort of what you know is enough to bring you back. The WT mind control is strong, and sometimes being away is tough, and it's just more comfortable to go back.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    One has a serious drinking problem and he feels the jw life with friends and family again will help him with the drink

    It helped me with mine. I could have gone pro.

    I feel sorry for your gay friend but he needs to come to terms with who he is and not try to force himself into being something he will never be. If he spends his life in the WT he will feel guilty and miserable for the rest of his life.

  • undercover

    What Stewie said...

    I know someone who has been DFd for years. You'd think he'd really be free of it all. Nope...he still feels guilty that he's not "good enough" or "worthy" of being a JW. He's never mentally escaped it.

    I don't personally know of anyone who got reinstated just to regain family relationships, but I'm sure it happens. There is a popular member of this board who has done so (I hope he hasnt' been sucked back in all the way - haven't seen him post much in a while). I remember back when I was still active, people got DFd and then reinstated, but then disappeared. I'd guess that those people got reinstated to make parents/family happy and then just dropped out on their own.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Oompa, human psychology varies from one individual to another in a very dramatic way, there has been been many people that left the JWS out

    wanting to carry on in a lifestyle of their own choosing and direction, only to realize it wasn't suitable or it brought on its on set of problems.

    The individual then feels insecure, frustrated and confused in what direction they have chosen and therefore are out looking for a different direction

    for themselves . A previous association with a religious group just might be one of them. But to honest though a lot theses people are emotionally

    unstable and for most part go through the Kingdom Hall doors like they were a set of revolving doors of an office tower, going in and out

    precariously at any given time.

    And there are cats like me who know that any acceptance of ancient religious social ideologies are wrought full of ambiguous harm

    and unjustness to are modern social awareness.

  • ColdRedRain

    We can't believe it again because we know how to recognize emotionally charged, vague bullshit yet they don't. Some of us are simply more logical-thinking than the rest of the population, and we can't help but being smart. The people who are stuck in are idiots who deserve their internal conflicts because they refuse to accept that their church is flawed.

  • flipper

    OOMPA- The only way anybody could " actually believe it again " after having it proved to be a sham - they would have to be insane

  • Warlock

    Come on.

    These cases are nothing new, and not exclusive to JW's.

    My cousin went back to the Catholic Church after leaving for more than 10 years.

    She had become a "Christian".


  • jws

    For me, it's like seeing the way a magic trick is performed. You can't ever un-see it again. You know the secret and can never be mystified again.

    It's the same way with the JWs. Once you see they are a bunch of men running things on their own judgement and not God's, it's hard to believe they are again. I couldn't sit there and trust anything they say again. And, it's not only the mere-men aspect. I know their doctrines are wrong, from the Biblical standpoint. And furthermore, there are so many problems with the Bible itself, who could trust any spin that comes out of it?

    Thats why I've always encouraged my family to read "apostate" books when they were inactive. Without those books, some of them were feeling the guilt and may have gone back.

    When somebody is DFed for wrongdoing, it doesn't mean they don't believe it anymore. It probably wasn't their wish to seperate from the JWs. They just gave into something against JW rules. Somebody who disassociates themselves because they feel the JWs are full of it, I think, are much less likely to go back.

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