Questions about Athletic Activities while a JW

by AjaxMan 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Thirdson, I know one that turned down a basketball scholarship. Stupid. He did it because he was interested in a girl, not for any other reason that I know of. He certainly didn't pioneer or anything like that.

    Ajaxman, I actually dug out the JWs and Education brochure just to see what it said on higher education. There's only one reference, as follows:

    "Unemployment, affecting both rich and poor lands, often threatens young peope who are insufficiently qualified. Therefore, if the job market calls for training in addition to the minimum rquired by law, it is up to the parents to guide their children in making a decision about supplementary education, weighing both the potential benefits and the sacrifices that such additional studies would entail."

    Course it may require an interpreter to explain to a teacher or counselor what 'supplementary education' means.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    My daughter Birdie's JW boyfriend is an extremely gifted athlete, and has been allowed to play on school sports teams. I know he juggles the nights he goes to service, so that he can make his games. He has never in the past been allowed to play on teams outside of school. He told me how badly he had wanted to play on a "real" hockey team instead of "brothers' hockey" and I could hear the intense longing in his voice. His other passion, other than my daughter (lol), is volleyball, and is now being allowed to try out for elite club teams. I suspect his parents think he is better off spending many hours exhausting himself playing volleyball, than having romantic thoughts about my daugher and hanging near the computer so they can talk. Anyway, from what he told me, he is unusual in the amount of sports he is allowed to be involved in, and most of the JW kids he knows can only ski,snowboard, play hockey and everything else with other JW kids. We know one JW girl who has only recently been allowed to spend a lot of time at the ballet school in dance classes, and again, from what I heard, her parents felt that the exercise helped keep her away from a guy she had been involved with.
    In fairness to the JW parents involved, allowing the kids to be involved in something that they really love, even if it is to distract them from the opposite sex, seems to be a humaine way of handling it.

  • Eyebrow

    I know lots of current JWs that work out at a gym. They are not supposed to do martial arts, but I do know several witnesses now that do let their kids participate in sports because they are not narrowed minded. The ones I have in mind have a good standing in the hall.

    If you are a MS or an elder I think your family can get away with a lot more.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Pork Chop,

    Thanks for sharing that excerpt from the ``JWs and Education'' booklet.... a much more enlightened position re advanced education..... too bad it came too late for the hundreds (thousands?) of us who during our formative years cowered at the thought of Armaggedon's sudden arrival ``this day or next.''

    So, I suppose that while we should be grateful whenever a madman stops shooting into a crowd, we don't grieve any less for the bodies lying around.......

  • Darkhorse

    At the gym, can JW's teach or participate in kickboxing classes?

  • LDH

    Once again, the WBTS employs the hidden 'policy change' by simply printing a new brochure.

    I think it wonderful that JW kids are now allowed to participate in sports.

    The real question is, why were so many denied it for so long, right up until 1995? What about the people who were raised as JW then?

    Yes, many of us spent our after school time selling journals. I guess that counts as exercise, walking from door to door. [8>]


  • openminded

    I am glad for the younger JW kids who may now have the opportunity to play sports in high school. I can tell you that the pain this issue has caused me is the #1 reason I started investigating the WT.

    The sad reality of this whole situation(caused by the WTS) has caused an ubridgable rift between me and my parents(who I hold responsible). At this point in my life(Im 28) I cant even bring myself to speaking with them. The fact that they put some tired cult bullshit ahead of my every dream, passion, and talent makes me very depressed. I feel like if I carry on with them like a normal son they will feel that their stand was valid and think; "see things can work out if we listen to Jehovah" but I am not going to let that happen. I want my childhood back! -om

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