What do you think would happen if aliens landed?

by Abaddon 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Let's paint a little picture.

    It's spring 2002. At 1200h GMT a radio and TV announcement is broadcast on almost all conventional frequencies, in appropriate formats according to the medium and the area.

    It's from a bunch of pale violet humaniods who have come "In peace for all Qw'z'x>kind". They say they want to meet up with the UN in full cnongress.

    Disbelief rapidly turns to amasement when CNN and other news-services provide footage of a large alien vessel descending into the river near the UN. Large in this case means 5km long... and wisely, none of the SAC jets sent to have a look pull a Will Smith or anything stupid, although one gets nudgeed gently away by an invisable beam of some sort when it gets too close.

    Let's say it becomes apparent the aliens are utter benign, happy to hand out technological aid, scientific knowledge, and hope to welcome the people of earth to your typical peaceful federation of planets (about 5,00 different species all told).

    How do you think people would react? How would religious people react? What if they greet enquiries as to the existence of god with a cough and a polite smile, and a comment along the lines of 'well, we believed that sort of thing 2,000 year ago, there's no need to be embaressed, it's a natural part of a societies development'?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Naeblis

    I'm reminded of the Simpsons episode where everyone thought that an Alien was wandering around in the forest (It was Mr Burns all radiaoctive like)

    Alien: I bring you loOooOoOve
    Lenny: It's bringing love! Break it's legs!.

  • mommy

    I imagine that the aliens would never have made it to land. The trigger happy armed forces probably never let it in our air field

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • ianao

    If aliens ever truly landed I don't think we would know about it. I think everyone who "saw" them would either mysteriously disappear or be ridiculed into silence as it would be a matter of national security (At least in the usa).

    "Religious" people would either "give up the ghost" or hide under their bed thinking the big 'A' was starting and the demons were now on earth. I imagine others would invision them as the return of Jesus, Allah, Elvis, etc.

    "Reputable" Mainstream scientists would sit on their collective asses in blatant denial. Screaming HOAX, SCAM, BALDERDASH, etc. etc. Just as they did when the wright brothers first flew. It didn't matter that people eye-witnessed the event, it was HOGWASH for years. (These are the same breed of idiots that don't think we went to the moon, IMO).

    I don't think if another species from another planet (outside of our solar system) has the technology to travel to us they are going to sit by and let themselves be "shot down" by our nations' respective militaries. If they were smart enough to get here from there, they (hopefully) would not be dumb enough to let that happen (unless of course they were "intergalactic pacifists").

  • safe4kids

    Hmmmmm...would these aliens be anatomically compatible with humans??


    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
    Closing Time, Semisonic

  • FreePeace

    Hey Dana,

    Hmmmmm...would these aliens be anatomically compatible with humans??
    Of course they are compatible! Tracy is an example of an alien-human hybrid! I refer you to our visit last year to see her relatives at Area 51 in Nevada: http://www.empowerthespirit.com/a51/area51.htm

    Here is her cousin Bob:

    I guess he's your cousin too, huh?

    By the way, how come you weren't at the family reunion? We'll have to change that next time!

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
    TruthQuest: http://beam.to/truthquest
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  • logical

    I think the aliens would be incredibly foolish to give out their technology, especially to the US government. But if they did refuse to give it out, then Bush would attempt to nuke it, the nuke would be deflected, hit the UK or something then Blair would fire back, nukes would "accidentally" go stray and hit France, then in the confusion Israel & Palestine, Pakistan & India, North & South Korea and china would join in pass the mushroom cloud.

    Then Naeblis will confess he is really a mutated daffodil.

  • logical
    Hmmmmm...would these aliens be anatomically compatible with humans??

    You'll find out if I ever get to the States

  • ashitaka

    logi's always a hoot.

    Well, people's reaction would be..

    Average Joe-Fright!!
    Nerd-Beam me up!

    Seriously, an alien race who is stupid enough to give advanced technology to THIS world must be off their rockers-yeah, let's give all the trigger-happy governments and factions weapons that could fry the earth even FASTER than a nuke would. OOOOh lord.


  • LB

    This is not possible. The Watchtower Society has considered this and determined that WE are the only forms of intelligent life in the universe.

    Beam me up Scotty

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