Who really is the slave? The Governing Body!!!

by Ultimate Reality 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Ultimate Reality, I see the point you are making now, thanks. But I think you are reading too much into it. The terms "slave class", "slave" and "faithful and discreet slave" are hardly conflicting terms. I think they Society here intends these expressions t mean the same thing but they have just said it slightly differently, probably just to not sound too repetitive.

    But there is no question that the reality is that the GB and it's committees and the Watchtower Society generally is really the entity doing all the teaching, if teaching is what the Society means by "feeding". In that sense, I agree with you that it makes a lot more sense for them to doctrinally split the GB/Watchtower off from the "domestics" since that is exactly what happens in practice. Maybe they will bring out some "new light" soon along those lines, especially if the number of partakers keeps escalating so much. I just don't see any real hint of that in this February 15 article.

  • wary

    I was thinking the same thing, then I remembered God told em, didnt he, ay. They got a bat fone!
  • oompa
    dozy: I understand that COs are being told to use this expression in their talks and speak about the "Steward Class" rather than the "Slave Class".

    just great........now half the dubs will think all flight attendants are of the annointed.................oompa

  • besty

    'slave' doesn't capture their role as well as 'steward', the latter meaning:

    an official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent him or her in a country, and may have a mandate to govern it in his or her name

  • slimboyfat

    Reminds me of how they experimented with "Circuit Servant" and "Congregation Servant" for a while, then got rid of it presumably because it didn't encourage the rank and file to show due derefence to their betters.

  • truthseeker

    The "faithful and discreet slave class" consists of all the anointed remnant living today who have the heavenly hope.

    This class can be further subdivided into:

    a.) The Governing Body, consisting of 12 men who make all decisions regarding doctrine and operations

    b.) A passive anointed class, consisting of at least 10,000 members who are viewed with increasing suspicion and have no input or decision making ability. They come under the authority of non-anointed elders and the Governing Body.

    You also have the great crowd who have the earthly hope. These come under the authority of non-anointed elders and the Governing Body.

    The anointed remnant and the great crowd are on equal terms, the only difference being their destiny.

    The Governing body or "faithful steward" has created a slave class within a slave class which was not authorized by Jesus Christ. In effect, they have disregarded the counsel that "a slave is not greater than his master."

    The use of the term "Faithful Steward", in it's singular form, implies a single person or smaller group of people, rather than a class consisting of many people.

    The Governing Body are trying to diminish any perceived authority that the anointed remnant may have had as implied by the great crowd.

    The objective of this is to centralize power and authority in the hands of a select few, the Governing Body.

  • Chalam

    Yes I always found the WT love of slavery interesting.

    A quick scan of the NT reveals that slavery is also a bad as it describes those under the law as slaves to sin, but freed men sons of God.

    I assume the WT think they are "slaves to righteousness" but I bet many would beg to differ. Instead, most here would agree that JWs are slaves to the WT and the "jehovah" god they have created.

    All the best,


  • Farkel

    The non-GB anointed have now been officially demoted to run-of-the-mill rank-and-file dubs. They may reign over the entire earth in Heaven at the right hand of Jesus, but where it really counts in the only reality they know, they aren't shit anymore while they're alive.

    Demote 'em now. Promote 'em after death.

    The iron hand with the velvet glove tightens...


  • restrangled

    As in depth a search as this may be, it reminds me of the last few episodes of the HBO series BIG LOVE....(following the Mormon beliefs.)

    After growing up a 3rd generation JW, hearing it for 50 years this June....its all just a bunch of crap. You can analyze it to death, none of it will ever make sense or pan out.

    Pyramids to prophets to slaves. Its all heresay.


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