Why do they never invite you for a meal but always encourage you to attend meetings?

by truthseeker 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Oh cameo-d, jws find a great deal to talk about, usually the "wrong" doings of other jws in the congregation. Just because the WTS officially discourages these things, don't believe it. Small groups of "rebellious" jws do all kinds of social things, many even on the edge things. The important thing is that they do it with a small group of trusted friends. Who cares what God sees, it is only what other jws might see they are worried about.

  • Balsam

    People who are considered new bible studies and more likely to get a meal invite than anyone who is inactive. There was always a certain fear of those who were not strong and that fear is perpetuated to keep the masses in control. Without the fear how would the WTS ever control the followers? It is only when a person comes back and seems to be strong and ready to get out and preach they will reach out to formerly inactive ones. When my ex-husband came back got reinstated and jumped right back in with both feet they were all eager to embrace him with visits to their homes and sharing meals.


  • still_in74

    i recall one family had not invited me over for years - after a couple months of inactivity my wife and i went out in servitude to the leaders and low & behold they invited us over that night!

    after that i slipped back into my sad irregularity and needless to say, we were not invited again. i guess a couple hours of bangin on doors could be worth a free meal?

  • jamiebowers

    In all fairness to jws, some people are party planners and others aren't. In my group of friends and family, I'm always the one having people over for baby showers, birthdays and holidays. Many people don't have the first clue how to bake and cook for a group any larger than their immediate family. And besides, jws think spiritual food is much better than actual food (GAG!).

  • shamus100

    Memories... of those lovely evening meals, followed by the dreaded "pre" study of the Watchtower.


  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    They invite you to the meetings, so they'd have someone to SHUN!

    african GB member

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well inactive ones are considered poisen. Newbies get love bombed.

  • RaraAvis

    I stopped going to meetings and boom I no longer existed. Until 7 years later I got a phone call. "We would like to disfellowship you."

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh how loving. Well maybe I'll get as equally blessed.

  • RaraAvis

    well they are "friends" after all.

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