Is it really just innocent words?

by lonestar63 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonestar63

    From what i've read on here, i understand many of you have a certain amount of anger over the way the Society controlled every aspect of your lives. Thats understandable. I still have a bit, even though my fade is complete.

    That being said, i think everyone on here has a goal to help those that are still trapped inside the mind controlling cult. We all realize how enormous a task that is. Most all of us still have family members that we would like to reach someday.

    Also, how many countless JW's stumble on this sight by accident i wonder?

    The point i'm coming to is this: I notice many of you use phrases such as Kingdum Hell, Washtowel Bible and Trash Society, Piosneering, ect, ect, ect.

    I understand where that's coming from, i really do. But if an active JW stumbles on here, and reads those phrases, his cult trained mind will scream APOSTATES!!!, and he will be outa here in a flash, without having a chance to learn what this sight can offer, and the real "Truth" it exposes.

    I think it can be damaging, and stop someone from actually learning here.

    Is that what we really want?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I got that very same impression when I first arrived her. I originally posted a few things under a diff name. Even when I re-signed up, I thought there was alot of anger around. Eventually it included my own.

    It's like anything else. Truth eventually is recognized and also people are people. I began to look up some of the referances people posted and it was more truth than fiction. The organization which I had formally been confident of, was looking worse by the minute. I got angry but I stayed.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I do kind of agree. When I first stumbled on to this site, I was particularly angered by the term "Witlesses". I hate the insinuation that JWs are stupid.

    I do sometimes use the term "borg". It just fits so well. Sorry if that offends anyone.

  • watson

    It's just personalities. Every community has the edgy types. If it scares them off, they'll probably be back.

  • beksbks

    We're not in Kansas anymore Toto

  • watson

    Not meant to sound harsh here, but this discussion board is not a sales pitch.

    Among many things, and I know you know this Lonestar, it is a sounding board for a lot of angry people, angry that many things they were taught to be true, are not. Just part of a personal journey that they choose to make public.

    If a "weaker one" stumbles across this site, it will probably tittilate first, then shock. They may run away, but then they will find it hard to stay away.

  • blondie

    I would say that the vast majority of us do not use such terms. Some use them too much and it clouds what they are saying. When compared to the terms that jws use to describe the nameless and faceless millions of non-jws, I would think it is not that unusual for them.


    professed Christians

    so-called Christians

    false Christians





    unknowingly worshippers of Satan

  • jamiebowers

    Lonestar, you probably haven't been around long enough to have heard the saying, "Herding exjws is like herding cats." Once people see the light, (and I'm not talking "new light" here), they aren't interested in being censored for anyone's or anything's sake. And along with the anger is realism. The term "witlesses" does seem harsh, but in the cold light of day, it seems appropriate to many. Think about it for a minute. How many "worldly" people do you know would do the following things?:

    1. Let a loved one or themselves die instead of accepting a blood transfusion.

    2. Turn their backs on family and friends who have made a major mistake in life, decided to research their religion or been a victim of child molestation or domestic violence.

    3. Shun family and friends even in cases of tragedies such as sickness and death.

    4. Accept a bunch of old men in Brooklyn as mediator between them and God.

  • Anti-Christ

    I think if someone is really looking for answers that person is going to look over these words. Take my user name for example, I am sure that when I start a topic and an active JW appends to see it and notices the name they would probably not bother to look but someone with a stronger curiosity might actually be intrigued by the name and would want to know what I have to say.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I distinctly remember the first time I saw your username Anti-Christ! The thing is, as someone else commented, I was interested enough in the information to come back. I also remember seeing the username "IamApostate" and thinking "fancy bragging about it"!

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