Driving pet peeves

by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Do you have any? I have to confess that I sometimes suffer from a minor case of road rage, especially on the expressway, right after work. I have quite a few pet peeves, but two that especially bother me.

    First, when people apply their brakes constantly, and for no apparent reason. It's generally people who have already cut in front of me and forced me to slow down. There's nothing directly in front of you, so for the love of god, stop tapping your brakes!

    Even worse than that, though, is people who cannot grasp the concept of right-of-way at a four-way stop. When you have the right-of-way over me, you have exactly two seconds to exercise it, or I am taking it from you. I have zero patience for indecisive drivers who don't know when it's their turn to go.

    Does anyone else have any pet peeves while driving, or am I just in need of anger management?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yes, people who drive when it's my time to be on the road.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Drivers not using turn signals. Even worse, drivers signaling when they are already half way through their turn. Texting while driving. That practice is worse than driving drunk in my opinion. When I get my motorcycle out my list of pet peeves grows and grows and grows.

  • viva

    I've got several.

    I agree on the not using turn signals. Why do idiots slam on thier brakes for no reason? The concept of a four way stop is very difficult for many to grasp. And why can't they understand merging? So many idiots slow down to merge. And if someone is behind you, get the hell out of the fast lane. It doesn't matter if you are doing the speed limit, you are impedeing the flow of traffic. And what is with the people who don't accelerate through the apex of the turn? And if whatever you are doing while you are driving; be it talking on the phone, trying to figure out directions, whatever; pull over. I could go on and on.

  • parakeet

    Dubs that park in front of my house.

  • Jim_TX

    What others have already mentioned, plus...

    Drivers at a crossroad - waiting to pull out into traffic - pick pulling out in front of me - going 50+ miles per hour - causing me to have to heavy-brake - so as to not hit them in the rear. If they had waited 3 more seconds - they could have pulled out - and not had to speed up - as there was no one behind me - for miles!

    Someone doing 50 in the fast lane - with the speed limit of 70.

  • jeeprube

    I can't stand tailgaters. I try to drive the speed limit and am constantly dealing with people on my ass.

  • ninja

    how did you know my pets name was peeves?.....doo doo doo doo....doo doo doo doo

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You know you should all feel lucky

    Try riding a wheelchair

    My pet peeves

    • Sidewalks and malls and stores have no driving lanes so people wander all over the place. If they are alone they walk down the middle of the path. Or they meander from one side to the next.
    • On a road drivers don't stop in the middle of the road. They know they should move off to the side. Pedestrians have no problem stopping dead in their tracks and then either taking a few steps backwards or spinning around to reverse directions
    • Cars don't pull out of blind roads or driveways. In a mall they practically run out of a store without ever looking to see if someone is coming.
    • Streets have speed limits and while some people speed for the most part cars travel at the recommended speeds. Pedestrians walk around poking along oblivious to anything around them.
    • Cars have turn signals and while a lot of people ignore them at least you get a hint someone is turning when they begin to slow down. Not true of pedestrians. They just turn and rarely look what they are turning into.
    • Some places have laws that drivers cannot be on their cellphones while driving. And few drivers wear headphones when they are driving. But pedestrians do. So they can't hear me beeping or trying to ask they to move over.
    • It seems that few people understand that any pathway, whether it is a road, a sidewalk, a bike path has rules. Walk on the right, Pass on the left. Obey signs - and yes bike paths have signs that are very similar to traffic signs
    • Don't even get me started on stores where people leave their carts in the middle of the aisle and wander off because they forgot something 3 aisles away. But then any shopper has that problem. Just try moving a heavy cart out of the way when you are in a wheelchair.

    Gimme a car any day

  • musky

    I get really irritated with aggressive drivers. You are an aggressive driver if:

    -you tailgate someone in the fast lane to try and intimidate the car to move over.

    -You give someone else enough time to make a move at a 4 way stop when you are not the next in line,instead of a courteous gesture for the other car to go first.


    - Don't yield the right of way to others when entering a freeway. In my state, If you are entering a freeway, You don't have the right of way.

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