Witness 007 returns to wife and meetings..I give up! Sorry no choice!

by Witness 007 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • loosie

    I'm sorry to hear what you are going thru 007. Hopefully knowing the truth about the truth will help you get thru the meetings.

    We can always use another double agent on the inside.

  • parakeet

    007, I couldn't do what you plan to do. The last three years I was a dub were the worst of my life, because I knew it was nothing but lies, but I didn't yet have enough courage to tell my family I was leaving.

    Marriage is supposed to be a 50-50 (or thereabouts) proposition. Your wife is getting 100%, and you're getting nothing. If you can live with that, go ahead. The kind of life you describe for yourself would kill me (literally).

  • BabaYaga

    There are always choices, Double Oh... but I really am sorry you feel you have none right now.

    Strength to you.

  • rebel8
    convincing her there is no Jehovah or his organisation really messed her up, contibuted to the point of her almost being comitted!

    Your course of action is your decision....just don't blame yourself for other people's issues--you are not in control. Fixed:

    jws teaching her there is a Jehovah and his organisation really messed her up, and coupled with her chemical imbalance, contributed to the point of her almost being comitted!

    The book I talked about earlier is great, I'm serious.

  • garybuss

    I like my wife . . . but I'd rather have my teeth pulled through my ass than go to meetings.

  • watson

    Oh Gary! You'd really like the new combo meeting arrangement.....I think you would add "without novocane" to your description.

  • avishai

    For the last 4 years I have been strict about not being a Witness and critisizing them non-stop. This has lead to my wife's depression and has backfired to the point of destroying my family which I can't allow.

    You are not responsible for your wife's depression. At least not for that. She is.

  • Summerfield

    Many may not agree, but you are showing true love.

    Use that love to move her slowly away..It can be traumatic.

  • wednesday

    Witness 0007, the jws are not the most understanding people when it comes to mental illness. Many of them still believe in demon possession. She may or may not get the help she hopes for . Also, if you do not attend and at least pretend to be a good jw, the loyal jws will notice. One elder told me that the KH was not a social club and it exists only to serve Jehovah -not our social needs. Yeah that is really cold, but it is how many of them feel. The "world" is not much better when it comes to mental illlness. Having mental illness can be a very lonely place to be. You will really find out who your friends are or are not.

    I so agree that a psychiatrist-but the right one. Therapy can her too.

    Being old, ill or weird will not make you freinds among the "better " jws.

  • oompa
    cameo-d: You gotta push the "friends" button.

    ahh yessss......cameo made me think with this and his next couple of comments. so it her friends thingy she is after...and you are willing to help right?........well, maybe you both should ask yourselves WHERE THE FLUCK ARE YOR "FRIENDS" YOU HAD!!!!!......seems like the dubs MUST have known you guys could have used some REAL FRIENDSHIP during difficult times?......

    cameo had some good ideas about making more friends......but if you can get her to see that her friends were not actual friends, and if you can see that, and that it would be stoopid to go to the same source to find friends you thought you had but really did not......then maybe she will see she is about to become a "dog returning to drink it own vomit"..................oompa

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