i am 20 minutes away from a sheparding call........

by oompa 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    FLIP: OOMPA- Just don't let these guys bring you under the spell of " cult mind control " again

    ROFLMAO!!!......dude i know it has been awhile since we have talked but C'MON!.........I honestly just can not believe that someone who who has truly awakened go ever go back and believe again.....i might could go back some in body only for my wife or such.....but recently when my dfd gay friend decided to go straight and dive back in....i was STUNNED!!....he had never been out MENTALLY!!....always still believed it i guess.....not so for me.

    FinallyFree: It's a challenge because you know it's all lies.

    and ya....it provided me more opportunities to express my true feeling about SOOO many things in once setting, and in front of my wife.....I have never before shared so many AWAKENING TYPE POINTS in one sitting in my entire life......they listened....i listened.....but i would bet my left nut they will be thinking all week about points i brought up with pure sincerity.....and there were two areas i told them i would think about and consider in case it could make me and my wife happier.......i am where i am in this life and marriage, and for now feel the need to fix what i can

    PeircingVeils : I don't know much about your situation oompa, I'm kinda new here. I know its very difficult and everyones situation is different.
    But what is holding you back from cutting ties completely?

    ....i am in this pickle because although i know THE REAL TRUTH......and researched the hell out of just about everything...and an obsessive studier......my wife and son and mom and dad refuse to do so....i am 4th generation and the price of walking away at near 50 years of age is just so frikkin high....part of me just wants to fly away and disappear.......but that is not feasible in so many ways......so i am stuck in a purgatory of sorts.....i honestly feel my wife will never wake up....this is based in part on our discussions of the sheepcall the past hour or so.....she could not talk about it much...............oompa

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    OOMPA, I feel for you, Iam in a very similar situation.

    How old your son is? Any chance to help him? My son is 7, the only reason I stay in JW is to stay in control over his spiritual development.... The only real goal in my life is to help him not to become JW.


  • primitivegenius

    ok for future reference....... most sheparding calls in my old cong, they expected to be given something to eat and drink.... cake and coffee or some such thing....... next time be prepared.

    if you want a short visit....... i reccomend EXLAX chocolate chip cookies. hope they have plenty of back issues for the ride back

  • oompa

    Albert Einstein, my sons are just out of their teens a bit......so too late for me to really form them in any way.....notice that i did not say direct them.......but the formative years are far more important.........oompa

  • unclebruce

    ......I think what will surprise them maybe is that my loss of faith goes way beyond WT.......i have lost virtually faith in the bible and god......one has already told the "first place to start is to get going to the meetings again!"....LMAO!!!........

    i hope their programed brains can grasp that maybe you need faith in a God FIRST.....then find out what method (or book) he is using to educate us if he wants to....and THEN if you feel the need....look around to find out if there is a group of folks who all have similar beliefs.........this should be interesting...........oompa

    what a bizare concept

    It's all about power, submit or be buggered.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Oompa - I never was a JW so have no personal experience.

    I am worldly (very), 'bad association' (for sure).

    But I feel for you and extend support and best wishes.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    And sometimes 50 is an ideal age to sit down and re-evaluate your life and do something about it (in my experience, anyway).

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Just a comment on the title of this thread.

    'Shepherding' is of course short for 'sheep-herding'. Have you ever seen a real shepherd working with sheep-dogs and a flock of sheep? It is quite amazing. The shepherd has the overview and communicates with the sheep-dogs by voice or whistled commands. The dogs herd the flock until they are exactly where required - and can separate individual sheep into pens, etc., even though the dogs don't understand why they're doing it. Trained sheep-dogs will herd sheep even in the absence of the shepherd, although, of course, the results will be random and of no practical use - it's just what they are trained and conditioned to do: 'there's a sheep, I'll go herd it somewhere'.

    I don't know whether this analogy is of use or not, but I offer it anyway.

  • Emma

    "Jehovah sent the right elder to help me continue to do that"

  • oompa

    Emma, i dont understand your post....more details please.

    And guys i have talked a good bit wit Olin Moles, Bonnzo, and OTWO, and i think I am at a crossroads of sorts. It is not leave my wife and family and friends and start all over or not. But it may be time to face the fact that I either need to do a bit more JW stuff (just maybe sunday meetings) in order to enjoy lifelong friendships and perhaps make my wife less sad and me too. I have not been happy for the past two years. Or, since I know i wil NEVER have my faith back, just try to enjoy my wife and do more things with her apart from any meetings, still have a tiny social life with a few of our old friends that dont shun me, and start making friends that i will only be friends with apart from my wife since she will only be around JW's. God that sounds weird.........oompa

    I told them this has strained our marriage so much that often i have just wanted to take a small chunk of cash and just disappear...that my wife derserves better......

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