i am 20 minutes away from a sheparding call........

by oompa 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    The elders tried that with me jsut before I exited the borg- I am afraid I wasn't very cooperative for them. I treated them about the same as a worldly person would have done- " no respect". Good luck for success, whatever yor ultimate agenda for the WT religion is.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, or that the Pope is Muslim

    You mean they're not? And it doesn't all calculate to 1914?

    Bugger it! Must rethink my new religion. Back soon.


    C T Russell

  • flipper

    OOMPA- Just a thought but, have you thought of reading Steve Hassan's books " Combatting Cult Mind Control " and " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think For Themselves " ? It might really assist you to comprehend what these elders are really trying to do to you in controlling you to come back to the cult. Also- it will help you to understand why your wife has chosen to remain in it for so long . I just know the books really helped me and others a lot to understand why I felt the way I did after leaving. It might help you lots. Certainly won't hurt for sure reading those books ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Or you could read HTA's book " Combating Corporate Religious Anarchists "

    There something too that has to be acknowledged is JWS like to peer back onto individuals from time

    to time to see what has happened to people that have left, like checking if you've grow horns out of your

    head or perhaps if you've grown hoofs like a goat. They're very inquisitive in this regard.

  • VM44

    There is no reason you have to meet with them.

    It is a man-made, totallitarian, Orwellian cult!

    They have no power over you other than the power you have given them.

    The Truth is nothing more than Watchtower speculations.

    Cancel the meeting, and just walk away!

    Shun them for a change!

  • VM44

    Make that "totalitarian."

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    I had my Shep. Visit 6 months ago. It was also for this particular elder first visit in our new house. He wanted to spy around, so after few minutes he asked directly "can I look around here?" and started opening doors and staring into rooms - it was so funny....

    One month ago this guy called again, becouse we not at meetings for almost a month and asked "How are you?" He expected I will say something about problems... so I replied "Great, we just have a great time". He did not expect that, so after few seconds of silence he said: "You know, me and XX would like to visit you .... ". So I said: "Wow, Thats so nice of you, but I dont see any reason for the visit now. So maybe later.". He never did call ever since .....

    I simply believe in NOT doing things you do not want to do. If you want them to come over - let them come. If you dont - dont let them in.


  • zagor

    i hope their programed brains can grasp that maybe you need faith in a God FIRST.....then find out what method (or book) he is using to educate us if he wants to....and THEN if you feel the need....look around to find out if there is a group of folks who all have similar beliefs.........this should be interesting

    LOL, I've told couple of bastards something similar. You could always spice it up by suggesting going out and "discussing this in some more relaxing atmosphere, perhaps a stip club where we can have a beer" They just might take you up on your offer

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    I simply believe in NOT doing things you do not want to do. If you want them to come over - let them come. If you dont - dont let them in.

    Albert Einstein:

    I 100% agree with you. And this is exactly what I did the last time a JW came to my mother's door on a SC. I went to the door, went out on the front porch and shut the door behind me and told them to leave and never come back. And they didn't.

    There's more to the story than this but , bottom line, that's what I did. My mother never heard from them again. My mother never knew that I did this. But I have no regrets.

  • leavingwt


    I second Flipper's recommendation.


    'Combatting Cult Mind Control' helped me immensely. You can grab a used copy for less than seven bucks on Amazon.


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