I was counciled for putting in Pioneer hours and not officially "Pioneering"

by RubaDub 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leavingwt

    It's a works-based cult.

    You became a "liability", rather than an asset.

  • Nellie

    This is hysterical. It's funny the things you never think about going on until someone brings it to your attention. I remember when I good friend of my husband's wanted more than anything to be a full-time pioneer and they just outright refused to accept him. I don't remember what happened, eventually, I guess he gave up trying.

  • RubaDub
    It's funny the things you never think about going on until someone brings it to your attention.

    Very true ...

    I also remember the service overseer telling me that he had to "adjust" my field service report several times. I had this habit of putting in maybe 20 hours one month and none the next. It drove the elders nuts.

    So he told me that he had to "borrow" from one month and move time over to the month with no hours so that I would not appear as irregular.

    I guess it was one less statistic he had to report when the CO visited.

    Rub a Dub

  • keeshondgirl

    when i came a jw i loved the ministry. i loved talking to people about what i knew. i was being pushed into being a pioneer by the pioneers in my congregation. i was slowly being guilted into being one. an elder always was putting me down for not being a pioneer so i finally put the slip in. when i became one, that was the wake up year for me. i saw how hypocritical everyone was and having a title meant you were better than everyone. I hate titles. after the year was up, i no longer wanted to be one. my desire for the ministry was gone. i was told to tell everyone how great a time it was and push others to do it. well, i couldn't do that in good conscience. i stopped attending meetings, and so did my husband. they picked him apart because he wasn't reaching out like thier best buddies were. he never fit in with the elders and they always put him down. we had enough. no one comes to visit us, so the past five years the people i thoght were my friends aren't. people who aren't jw are nicer to us and care for us more than they ever do. my mother in law asks when we will come back, well, i think i have the perfect answer now...when jehovah takes over. I had enough of haughty men and people who don't practice what they preach. they always had a map on what my life should be like in their eyes. i have a lot of pets, and i wasn't living simple enough in their eyes and i was too get rid of my pets. way too judgemental. it's sad, because i know the truth is there but there is too much emphasis on titles. it's like once you have one title, you need to climb for a higher one, like you are climbing the corporate ladder in the business world. at the conventions and assemblies, the only people worthy to give talks are those with titles. and to make matters evern more showier they announce what title they have and how long theyve had it. sure, they don't wear preachers collars, but they wear the titles. Jehovah sees us equal in his eyes, he doesn't look at titles, I guess they are forgetting that. well, soon enough Jehovah will remind them of their place.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Has anyone ever reported over 100 hours while not pioneering?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    RubaDub, first I want to apologize to you for missing this post when it first went up.

    Second, I want to give MAD PROPS to you and the others here who did whaqt you did and showed that the WTB&TS is a religious "pyramid scheme" where RANK is more important than RESULTS.

    I salute you!

  • VM44

    "Pioneering" is not even mentioned in the NT, let along a distinction between "Pioneers" and "Publishers".

    Pioneering is a Watchtower creation!

  • wobble

    I think what pissed the Elders off in the first instance, if you didn't sign the form was that they could have looked better to the C.O when he came for his Sales Inspection. After that they may have thought about your independant spirit.

    After I stopped,regular piosneering (100 hrs) the next month I did 2 hours,the C.O was not impressed. then months later I did just under the Aux. Pio hours, that pissed them off too, "why don't you just put in a bit more effort and Aux. pio.?"

    It never occured to them that I might be doing the max, (I wasn't ,but thats not the pont)



  • keeshondgirl

    the elders would start pushing for people to aux. pioneer a few months before the c.o. came for a visit. they would go around to everyone with a stack of the forms guilting you into doing it. there would be parts on how to take off work and stuff to do it. I knew the real reason...they wanted to look special and wanted the c.o. to say how many the congregation had as pioneers at the assembly so all people would know. so showy. it wasn't from the heart. one time, my husband and I were with a group that decided they needed to rent a tux and get something for breakfast, so we drove around in the car with them for like 2 hours, then they decided to witness at 2 houses so they could count all that time. what a joke!!!

  • NeonMadman

    I think I would have simply answered, "Don't worry, brother. I'm very sorry to have offended and you can be sure that I'll never put that many hours in service again."

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