Pecking order of Memorial jobs

by Open mind 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks for all the replies!

    "What is this new chairman letter?"

    It was just a letter to all Bodies of Elders making the job of chairman at the Memorial "official". In years past, it was hit or miss whether the speaker just handled chairman duties himself or someone else got the show started.


  • OnTheWayOut

    We did Speaker on a rotation, but actually only the ones regarded as lively speakers.
    We would keep some elders from giving the talk at the Memorial, but they would be the ones who prayed.

    We would use last year's speaker as the chairman, so he could bring his notes and repeat his talk if the
    speaker died or something.

    The prayers were by the elders who didn't speak or by the oldest elders. Once in a great while, I remember
    an anointed brother who was too old to do much else would show up and pray over the wine.

    Elders served, sometimes MS's.

    The attendents were usually MS's. I would help as the other elders would sometimes.

    Parking lot was assigned to MS-wannabees or elder wannabees who would be put in charge.

    Don't forget the flower arrangement sister and the toilet cleaners and the leave rakers and the
    volunteers to stand when we ran out of chairs.

  • undercover

    I liked being the parking lot attendant...

    Got to stand around outside and point to the end of the parking lot with our fancy flashlights when a car pulled in. Missed all the crowdedness of inside the hall and usually the opening prayer and then the closing prayer as we needed to be in place when people started leaving.

    I was a server a couple of times but didn't much care for it.

  • Farkel

    In your pecking order:

    You forgot the most important top position at the Memorial: Governing Body

    Also, the least important bottom position at the Memorial: Jesus Christ


  • Magwitch

    It is that time of year...

    This is one of my favorite Memorial threads.

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