Does a Cult Background Assist Atheists?

by Perry 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    The March 2009 American Religious Identification Survey from Trinity College and the March 7, 2009, National Journal article on "Rise of the Godless" present the following data:

    When asked for their religious affiliation, 15 percent of Americans say none, but only 0.7 percent say atheist ....

    I present the above info just as a reminder that very, very few people consider themselves atheist despite decades of "scientific" propaganda suggesting otherwise.

    Now, for a moment let's forget about the overlapping dino/human footprints in 70 million year old rock that destroys the atheist/evolution world-view. Let's forget about the stinking, rotting soft dinosaur tissue that is being found in ever-increasing instances. And just to offer an olive leaf of peace, let's forget about the fundamental requirement to "know all things" so that the statement "there is no God" can logically be made. I'll even overlook the fact that in atheism it is impossible to know right from wrong.

    Let's just focus on one thing here. The one thing that baffles me, and I suspect the other 99.3 % of the population is how an atheist can deal with the glaring reality that they exist as a result of prior causes. And, all known effects are the result from prior causes. There are simply no known effects without causes.

    Yet, everyday atheists must look at the matter around them and somehow believe that something came from nothing. This is the supreme definition of cognitive dissonance.

    When we were witnesses, we believed that we had some kind of a deal with Jehovah did we not? We believed this despite on the one hand knowing that we were not part of the New Covenant and Jesus wasn't our Mediator, and (2) knowing that there is not one scripture anywhere that shows how a person can avoid Judgment outside of the New Covenant. No matter how many times Christians pointed this out to us....we still believed that we had some kind of a deal with God.

    So the question for atheists here is:

    Do you think that the experience with a bible cult has helped you develop the C. D. that is required for your atheism?

  • leavingwt

    Dude, you're a funny one.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Atheism is a disbelief in God, not a disbelief in the possibility of God. Most people don't believe in time travel, but everyone accepts the possibility. You simply don't understand the concept of atheism, tis all. I am an atheist because there is no evidence of God at the moment, but if solid evidence is one day presented, then i shall happily become a believer.

    "Now, for a moment let's forget about the overlapping dino/human footprints in 70 million year old rock that destroys the atheist/evolution world-view."

    Good idea, since they weren't human footprints.

  • startingover

    Well said P Parrot.

    Perry, how you can demand a prior cause but yet ignore that when it comes to the origin of your god?

  • quietlyleaving

    I thought we'd established that the dino/human footprint was a hoax

  • Hesus

    Hi, Perry! Glad to meet you!

    Well, Perry, something can come from nothing. But nothing is not really nothing. Prior to the universe, there were bosons - subatomic, scalar, elementary particles. They are force carrier particles. With the same amplitude, bosons "can occupy the same place in space," meaning, they are incorporeal. (Wikipedia) They are like ghosts. Even now, they pervade the vast vacuum in outer space. In fact, they are everywhere.

    There are many kinds of bosons which are "either elementary, like the photon, or composite, like mesons." There are also gauge bosons and Higgs boson. All of these have been observed except the Higgs boson.(Wikipedia)So, bosons are for real. The CERN Large Hadron Collider is specifically designed to detect Higgs boson.

    Higgs boson is fondly called in news media right now as the "God particle". It "has an amplitude different from zero, i.e., a non-zero vacuum expectation value," meaning, it never ceases to give up ticking. "The existence of this non-zero vacuum expectation plays a fundamental role: it gives mass to every elementary particle which should have mass, including the Higgs boson itself." (Wikipedia) This behavior or phenomenon of bosons not wanting to die out and superimposing one another given the same amplitude is, what I believe, a form of binary reaction. As you may know, microprocessors and computer software work in the binary system, i.e., 0, 1. In the quantum field, 1 is replaced by a non-zero value less than 1.

    Subatomic particles or bosons are the beginnings of Intelligence from which all other things came into being. Intelligence is a physical and binary phenomenon, not a person. It came from bosons, the makeup of nothing.

    There's your "God" now!


  • villabolo

    Perry, the figures you cite are for the USA. I have seen figures for the rest of the world that cites very high rates of atheism in Europe and even Israel (25%!). Your figure of .7% seems somewhat low even for the USA.

    You also interject Creationism which has no relevance to your primary question since there is such a thing as Theistic Evolution and Deism.

  • Hesus

    For Perry...

    Intelligence came from nothing.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Perry's propaganda that atheists are very few by his stated numbers is quite false, not only for the States but globally.

    He's intensionally trying to insert the notion that the numbers of religious zealots like himself are much greater than that

    which is perceived by the general population.

    I present the above info just as a reminder that very, very few people consider themselves atheist despite decades

    of "scientific" propaganda suggesting otherwise.

    What a stupid statement, firstly the scientific community doesn't propagate atheism of any sort , scientific ideology

    or pursuit separates it self completely from spiritual examination or evaluation, they are quite separate on their own.

    Very coy and disingenuous of you to spin that into your argument, but then again you have a retained a personal self

    redeemer by your side at all times so perhaps this isn't all to surprising.

    As an answer to your question I'd have to say yes, its just my personal observation that it appears that once

    a person leaves a cult like the JWS they tend not to pursue any further religious identity from there on.

    Thats obviously not always the case, you yourself are an example of that.

  • hamilcarr

    When asked for their religious affiliation, 15 percent of Americans say none, but only 0.7 percent say atheist ....

    Atheism is no religious affiliation.

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