local cong to handle all pioneer additions and deletions

by seeking help 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    Or if it means better numbers, they will pump up the pioneer count...... I think to trust the elders with anything is NUTS!!!

    They are slowly starting to change a lot of traditional things... Very interesting... Maybe I should apply for reinstatement.... NOT!

  • BonaFide

    Wow, things are happening in Brooklyn, but what is exactly does it all mean? All these changes for legal reasons?

    Are they completely separating from the individual congregations?

    Very, very, interesting.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    Less paperwork...plain and simple.

    And if you have a BOE being jerks about not letting someone have this "privilege," then it can always be appealed to the CO and then Service.

    But why anyone would want to beg to pioneer is beyond me.

    Snakes () ...a former pioneer.

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