PDF w/174 WBTS scans comparing lies and revisions of JW "truth"...limited time only!!!

by middleman 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • middleman

    Hello, here's a PDF that was put together comparing many of the lies within the Society's publications. I will have the link up for a limited time and afterwards it will be available by request-send me an email and leave yours. This is part one (141 pages) of two (perhaps a third) in the series being made. It will be revised shortly....I need to make a clickable index but I'm not sure how. This will make it easier to go to your topic of choice rather than having to scroll down to get there. Any help/advice on how to do this would be much appreciated. Enjoy...

    Here's the link-------> http://www.4shared.com/file/93501602/7daf688b/MisquotesRevisionsTheocratic_WarfareLies.html

  • middleman

    Also I need help putting this audio up (minutes 35:34-39:00 from pg.127) of this transcript from Fred Franz concerning 1975 below...

    [35:34]“Well then, the big question for us now to determine is this. If we'll
    go to this red book here, “Everlasting Life In Freedom of the Sons of God”
    and we turn to page 31 through 35, we find there a chart, which is headed
    chart of uh significant events in from the creation of man to the year 7000
    “spelling?”. 7000 from the creation of man, and the first item on the list is
    dated 4026 before our common era and the item is the creation of Adam, in
    the early autumn of that year.
    Not a January first of that year 4026 but in the early autumn of that year so
    that we measure the years from autumn to autumn, and then if we turn to
    page 35, we are startled to see the year 1975 (raises his voice) where we
    actually are, and, what does it say with regard to 1975? It says, “the end now
    notice this the end of the six one thousand year day of man's existence, in
    early autumn”, (some clapping follows) and then it carries us beyond that
    beyond this year, the next date is 2075 a thousand years from now (he's off by
    900 years, he meant 2975 as the books says) and what does it say regarding
    that?...the end of the seventh thousand year day of human existence in the
    early autumn. Now that's all it says about 1975 (the crowd reacts by laughter
    and enthusiastic clapping)
    And that's all we can say to John Dart[sarcastic tone of voice](more
    , the religious editor of the Los Angeles Times or anybody else out
    there in the world who wants to know what we have published regarding this
    critical year we know it's a critical year we know we're near something, but
    we're not saying[he says this sarcastically]
    (crowd erupts with more laughter
    and enthusiastic clapping)

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    Thank you for a great file. Much time and effort was spent on this; a very useful addition to all our "alternative" WT Library's.

  • middleman

    You're welcome U R...I'm going to be working on part two pretty soon. I have another 60-70 scans I will be adding in this one. Yes this does take quite a bit of time but my passion/heart for the JW's overrides the weeks/months spent on such projects. Eventually I'll combine part one and part two together-also I'll be breaking down all of the subjects individually into their own PDF's (so they can be sent in an email). Please spreeeeead the word, I hope this will open the eyes of many.




    Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!

    This looks great and will be a useful reference to help our friends see the issues

    Best wishes and looking forward to your completed work!!


  • carla

    Wow! Thank you so much and to any who helped you!

  • Nellie

    141 pages! Wow! Doesn't appear that you've had much time for a social life ... but I'm off to study it. Looks like just what I was looking for! Thanks from me too!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Awesome work! Dynamite!

    Words cannot express the gratitude for all of your hard efforts. Looking forward with extreme anticipation to Part 2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • undercover

    Got it!

    Thanks! Good work. It is greatly appreciated.

  • PanzerZauberei

    I grabbed it. this is some very good work. THANKS!!

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