Did Noah even exist?

by LouBelle 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I'm shamelessly jumping on the Noah bandwagon - or ark - whatever.

    Considering how many view the bible (basic information before leaving earth....tm) do you think that there was a REAL Noah?

    My answer: I don't.

  • megaflower

    ?????????? Big question for me. I honestly do not know.

  • PanzerZauberei

    Hi Lou!

    I think he existed, mainly because Jesus referred to him at Luke 17:26-27. I know some will say that there is no proof of Jesus existing, so anything He is supposed to have said is null and void. LOL It's a never ending game of chasing my own tail I think.

    Lorenzo aka Tired of the Hypocrisy

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's pretty well established that King David existed and was a popular guy.
    Anyone before his time could have been legend or real.

    Certainly, most stories are legend. Archaeology confirms that much of the OT history
    is not reality.

    I imagine that Abraham was real but very little of the stories about him are reality.
    Before Abraham, I suspect it's all made up.

  • jookbeard

    the simple fact I like to use is that if there was a global fload (which of course the was'nt) then the polar caps would have melted which they didn't as scientist's in that field have been drilling for ice cores their study can pre date 200,000 odd years, and guess what? the ice cores cant show that

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    My personal opinion is that 95% of what is written (in terms of the historical narrative & genealogy elements) in both the OT & the NT, as well as the Apocrypha, is completely made up & probably not even remotely based on reality. The other 5% is either monumental embelishment (sometimes after generations of oral tradition) of actual events, or myths & legends loosely based on something which may or may not have happened thousands of years previously.

    The rest of the Bible is just a mixture of the five P's: poems, psalms, proverbs, parables & prophecy (some of which was inspired by common psychedelics of the era most likely).

  • MissingLink

    No he didn't. The story was copied from an earlier Mesopotamian myth, and jewed up. There are copies in existence that were written down before the flood was supposed to have happened. It's total fiction.

  • slimboyfat

    Noah worked so hard building the ark and gathering the animals and all. And you ask him to have existed too on top of doing all that? There's no pleasing some people I suppose.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Probably legend more than fact. But then, that is my growing general opinion of the Bible, esp the OT, nowadays.


  • Leolaia

    It isn't just that the Mesopotamian myth is older. It also locates the Flood in place (Shuruppak, where kingship rested at the time of the Flood, and Kish, where kingship returned after the Flood) and time (e.g. just before the first dynasty of Kish) that just so happens to fit with archaeological evidence of a major local flood at Shuruppak and Kish at c. 2900 BC. There were two other major floods that left silt layers at Ur, from c. 3500 BC and from 2700 BC.

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