Did NOAH take WHALES into the ARK?

by african GB Member 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Blue Whale is the largest animal on earth,...

    It would take huge cranes and a lot of manpower to carry one of those animals,...

    How did NOAH achieve this?

    Did he have cranes and chains?

    Did he have a large enough aquarium on board, with salt water?

    How did he feed them?

    african GB member

  • Leolaia

    The Society may point out that in the actual biblical story, there is nothing about taking sea life into the ark; in fact, the description of the massacre in Genesis 7:21-23 only discusses land animals and birds. They claim that the whales would have been in the sea:

    *** is [1969] p. 42 Was There an Earth-Wide Flood ***

    Also, investigation reveals that, of some 3,000 "species" of land mammals classified by zoologists, only about 300 include any that are larger than a horse, whereas some 2,200 are no larger than a rabbit. Marine mammals such as the huge whales and dolphins would be no problem, as they would have remained outside the ark. So Noah had relatively few large animals to care for.

    But incredibly, they also claim that the Flood was responsible for all the major geologic transformations on the planet, causing uplifts of mountains and the drift of continental plates, and laying down vast graveyards of sealife of sedimentary layers, without even wondering how sealife -- even such humongous creatures as whales -- could survive such brutal chaos and destruction.

  • parakeet

    "transparent aluminum"

  • doofdaddy


    Didn't the water fall from the sky? That makes the ocean at that time fresh water, well at least impossibly diluted.

    Whales and dolphins living in fresh water with no food as all the salt water fish would have died...

    Plus would fresh water support the weight and size of a whale?


  • aniron

    without even wondering how sealife -- even such humongous creatures as whales -- could survive such brutal chaos and destruction.

    Well life has supposed to have survived this earth being hit by an asteroid 65 million years ago and destroying all the dinosaurs.

    Also supposed to have been volcanic eruptions all over the world , which sorted other life out .

    I think life could survive a few days of rain.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am quite sure whales could survive a bit of fresh water.

    There are tropical fish that require very narrow pH and salinity ranges.

    Ask an athiest aquarist if Discus would survive being flushed with rainwater then inundated with brackish water?



  • unclebruce


    Dolphins also survive well in fresh water and have been reported thousands of miles up Australia's Murray/Darling system.


    That said, the story of Noah's Ark is fanciful at best and, like lies requiring more lies to keep a story afloat, needs many more fanciful additions to have it work. For example, how do the literalists explain Australia's unique wildlife? I guess our rare mountain fish (galaxia) were taken and returned in water filled beaks of pelicans or the pouches of the two chosen kangaroo's. Or maybe all the wallabies, goannas, snakes, bandicoots, wombats, lyrebirds, kookaburras, bilby's, potoroos, sugar gliders, emus, kangaroos, currawongs and the like sailed to the middle east and returned on the back of a fleet of blue whales .. yeah that's it.

  • dutchstef

    Maybe there was no Flood?

    Or maybe just the part of the world then known was under water and the rest was dry?

  • tympan

    Forget the whales.

    Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes while he had the chance?

    No more malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, elephantiasis, encephalitis, etc.

    And no more annoying bzzzzzzzzzz while you're trying to get to sleep at night.

    Noah was an idiot!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Forget all of that... how did eight people repopulate the entire world?? How did we end up with all these races if we are all middle eastern?

    Bad visuals. Did God make gestation for humans the length of a fruit fly's for awhile to produce more humans quicker?

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